Good men make a difference in the world, and helping you become "a man who serves" is part of the mission of Hampden-Sydney College. 

The Civic Engagement program provides you with opportunities for volunteer service outside the College gates. For some, it provides practical experiences that will help make career choices. For others, it helps balance studies with outside pursuits, like working with kids. The habits, knowledge, and commitments you develop here will help you build a life after college that is fulfilling and meaningful, one that truly exemplifies what it means to be a good man and a good citizen.

Hampden-Sydney is a proud participant of The Big Event, a nationwide day of service.

Hampden-Sydney has helped grow me into a more compassionate, humble person and it has made me realize that helping others learn and succeed is just as rewarding as doing it myself.

Brennan Louis Aust ’17

Hampden-Sydney Volunteer Service

Opportunities on campus

Students at H-SC are doing amazing things—helping to build houses, working with kids, caring for abandoned animals, and cleaning up rivers and roadsides, to name a few. Some are doing this work as part of service clubs, and some are simply individuals responding to a call for help. Here are just a few ways you can get involved on campus.

The Big Event
The Big Event is an annual campus-wide day of service held in the spring. Several hundred students participate in projects all across Prince Edward County as a way of giving back to our local community. Contact:  Mrs. Sandy Cooke | The Big Event

HS Animal Rescue Community (ARC)
The H-SC Animal Rescue Community works with the local animal shelter to help abandoned animals get adopted. They walk and socialize the dogs and cats. ARC has a theme house off-campus where they foster dogs. Contact: Dr. Julia Palmer

HS Habitat
The Habitat club supports the local Farmville Habitat for Humanity organization.  They organize volunteers for the builds, raise funds, and raise awareness.  Contact:  Dr. Susan Smith

HS Mentor Program
The Hampden-Sydney Mentor program pairs college students with Prince Edward County Elementary School students. H-SC mentors visit their “little brother” once a week to become positive influences in the lives of young people. If interested, please submit the H-S Mentor Club Application. Contact: Mrs. Sandy Cooke

HS Volunteer Fire Department
The Hampden-Sydney Volunteer Fire Department covers over 70 square miles and is staffed by a majority of Hampden-Sydney students, faculty and staff.   It is a non-profit corporation.   The station is located at the south end of the Hampden-Sydney campus, on 108 South Boundary Road. Volunteers are welcomed. Contact:  Mr. Todd Pugh

Prince Edward County Volunteer Rescue Squad
The Fire Department operates an Emergency First Responder program that coordinates with the Prince Edward Volunteer Rescue Squad in the provision of emergency pre-hospital care.  Contact: Mrs. Sue Carter

HS Rotaract
Rotaract is a Rotary-affiliated service and leadership club. They run fund-raisers and do other service projects for the community.  Contact:  Mrs. Sue Carter 

HS Cares for Kids
Run by ODK (Omicron Delta Kappa), this is Hampden-Sydney's annual campaign to buy toys and clothing for local needy children.

HS Building and Grounds Department
The H-SC Building and Grounds Department can always use volunteers to help in the stock room. Contact: Mr. Bill Gillen | (434) 223-6032

Director of Student Affairs Operations and Civic Engagement 
Mrs. Sandy Cooke
 | (434) 223-6340

Community Partnerships

Opportunities off campus

Developing strong partnerships in the Farmville/Prince Edward County community is one of the ways the College demonstrates what it means to be a good citizen. This involvement provides students with opportunities to develop their own commitments to service and active citizenship. 

In addition to focusing on public education in the community, the College has connections to a number of local institutions including the Moton Museum, the Fuqua School, Habitat for Humanity, and the FACES food pantry. Select the link below for a complete list of off-campus service opportunities and community organizations.

Community Partnerships

Orientation-Service Leader Job Application

Are you interested in helping your new Hampden-Sydney brothers transition on the Hill by serving as a Summer and/or Fall Orientation Leader? If so, please fill out the application below and we will contact you for an interview. Thank you for your willingness to serve!

Orientation-Service Leader Job Application


Beyond the Hill

Beyond the Hill takes the mission of the College beyond the gates, creating good men and good citizens by putting Hampden-Sydney men in the field to participate in both adventurous and service oriented programs.

Beyond the Hill

The Big Event

The Big Event is a day of service with a simple message to the community - THANK YOU. It originated at Texas A&M in 1982 and is now one of the largest student-led service projects in the nation.

The Big Event

Kristian Hargadon '01

Elliott Associate Professor of Biology Kristian M. Hargadon ’01 had two goals as a child: to cure cancer and to play professional basketball. Both dreams brought him to Hampden-Sydney College, where he played two years of varsity basketball, earned a national Goldwater Scholarship, and graduated first in his class.

Kristian Hargadon '01

Director of Student Affairs Operations, Orientation, and Civic Engagement

Sandy Cooke
Brown Student Center | P.O. Box 5
Hampden Sydney, VA 23943
(434) 223-6340 |

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