Ensuring the safety and well‐being of students, faculty, staff, and visitors is a primary goal of College administrators and the Department of Public Safety and Police.

Critical Incident Management Plan

The purpose of the Critical Incident Management Plan is to provide guidance for a coordinated approach to preparing for, responding to, and managing an emergency incident at Hampden‐Sydney College.

OPEN the Critical Incident Management Plan (pdf)

When you open this document, you will find the following topics indexed and bookmarked, for your convenience:

  1. Introduction/Overview
  2. Critical Incident Management Team (CIMT)
  3. Emergency Notification System (ENS)
  4. Additional Safety Measures
  5. Hostile Intruder/Active Shooter
  6. Bomb Threats
  7. Fire
  8. Chemical/Hazmat Incident
  9. Tornado
  10. Power Failure
  11. Evacuations
  12. Emergencies

Emergency Notification System (ENS)

In the event of a campus-wide emergency, Hampden-Sydney College uses its comprehensive communication system known as the "Emergency Notification System (ENS)" to notify the campus community.  All students, faculty, and staff are highly encouraged to register their cell phones in order to receive Emergency Notification System (ENS) text messages.

LOGIN to Edit or Register Your Cell Phone


Study Abroad Crisis Management Plan

The Study Abroad Crisis Management Plan provides guidance for a coordinated response to an emergency or disaster incident while students are abroad.

Study Abroad Crisis Management (pdf)

Infectious Disease Response Plan

This document describes the College’s approach to an infectious disease outbreak.

Infectious Disease Response Plan (pdf)