Omicron Delta Kappa is a national leadership honor society for college men and women. It was founded in 1914 at Washington & Lee University to recognize and encourage superior scholarship and leadership by men and women of exemplary character. Membership in ODK is a mark of highest distinction and honor.

ODK new initiates fall 2024The Lambda Circle was founded at Hampden-Sydney on April 12, 1924, and is the eleventh oldest of the society's more than 200 circles. To be selected as a member of the Lambda Circle, a junior or senior must be in the top 35% of his class and must have actively participated in three and demonstrated constructive leadership in two of the five areas of college life considered by the society: scholarship; athletics; social service, religious activities, and campus government; journalism, speech, and the mass media; and creative and performing arts.

Students selected for membership are tapped in the fall and spring.

The members of Omicron Delta Kappa seek to use their personal influence as campus leaders to better campus life and to encourage high standards in all activities.

In addition to regular selection of members, the Circle awards each fall to a sophomore a $1,500 scholarship in recognition of constructive leadership and academic achievement during his freshman year, and each spring, the Cohen Citizenship Award to a senior who by his actions and example has contributed significantly to the betterment of the College community.
National Website: Omicron Delta Kappa

Membership Criteria

Selection for membership in Omicron Delta Kappa begins with a nomination by a student or resident member.  If you believe that you qualify for membership, you should not hesitate to ask member of the Circle to nominate you. Each nominee is vetted by the Registrar to determine if he is in the top 35% of his class.  This is a requirement of the National and cannot be waived.

Nominees who are cleared by the Register are asked to complete a Credentials Form which is used by the Circle to determine if a nominee has met the requirement for membership - leadership/distinction in two and participation in three of five areas:

  • Scholarship
  • Athletics
  • Campus or Community Service, Social Religious Activities, and Campus Government
  • Journalism, Speech, and The Mass Media
  • Creative and Performing Arts

If a nominee is determined to have met the basic requirement, his name is brought before the Circle for a vote.  Election meetings are held in the Fall and the Spring.  A nominee who receives "yes" votes from three-fourths of the members present is elected to membership in the Circle.

ODK Credentials

The information on this form is collected to assure that the qualifications of each member are in compliance with requirements of both the Lambda Circle and the National Office of ODK.  All information remains confidential. 

Although designed to provide the Circle with as much information as possible, no standard form can adequately give a full picture of a student's leadership and participation in campus life.  You should feel free, using space on this form or by an attachment, to provide any applicable and relevant information you wish the Circle to have.

This is especially important in regard to activities in the five categories included under "Participation."  Sometimes participation is of such a level that the Circle may decide to count it as "Leadership/Distinction."

Membership in ODK is determined by a vote of the active members of the Lambda Circle.  After election each new member is "tapped" by two current student members.  This usually takes place during a class.

Immediately after the tapping, new members will receive a letter from the Faculty Secretary stating the date, time, and place of the initiation and other events in conjunction with the initiation.

ODK National Application

Omicron Delta Kappa was the first college honor society of a national scope to give recognition and honor for meritorious leadership and service in extracurricular activities and to encourage development of general campus citizenship. Through membership in OΔK, you enter the ranks of over 300,000 women and men whose peers recognize them as scholars and leaders.

To be considered for membership, please complete the National Application form. Once at that site you should click on "Join Our Circle," create an account, and then complete the application form.  Please note that this form, fees, and participation in an induction ceremony are all prerequisites for membership in Omicron Delta Kappa.

National Leadership Honor Society Membership Form

ODK Application

Resident Members

Shelby E. Asal
Richard J. Bidwell ( Honoris Causa)
R. Dwayne Bowyer '92
Vinton C. Bruton IV
Lisa A. Burns
Joseph E. Bush
Anthony M. Carilli
Celia Carroll Jones
Sue V. Carter-Active-Term Expires 2026
Mark Celeste
Sandra P. Cooke
Claire E. Deal 
Elizabeth J. Deis
John H. Eastby
Dottie J. Fahrner
Mark A. French ( Honoris Causa)
Frank W. Friedman '88 ( Honoris Causa)
Lowell T. Frye
Anita H. Garland
Jeffrey S. Gee
William E. Gillen
Rachel M. Goodman
Louis C. Gould III( Honoris Causa)
Ivo I. Gyurovski '09
Sarah B. Hardy
Kristian M. Hargadon '01
William R. Hendley
Robert T. Herdegen III 
Beverly B. Hines
Marc A. Hight
Abigail T. Horne
Shaunna E. Hunter -Active-Term Expires 2028 
Rebecca L. Jayne 
Judith Royce Johnson ( Honoris Causa)
Jarrett Knight ( Honoris Causa)
David A. Klein '78
M. Keith Leach '81
Betsy L. Leonard -Active-Term Expires 2025
Anne C. Lund
Katherine J. Lynch
Kelly S. Malone Dudley
David E. Marion
Elna Ann Mayo
Thomas T. Mayo IV
Anne Tyler B. McCabe ( Honoris Causa)
Daniel G. Mossler
Kerry D. Mossler ( Honoris Causa)
Paul H. Mueller
Julia E. Palmer
Richard M Pantele '13
Patrice W. Payne ( Honoris Causa)
Gerry S. Pettus
William W. Porterfield
Odessa H. Pride ( Honoris Causa)
Patty T. Pugh( Honoris Causa)
May Reed
Noelle Prince Shear ( Honoris Causa)
William A. Shear ( Honoris Causa)
Thomas H. Shomo '69
 Herbert J. Sipe
Lucy Carter Fulton Smith
Susan M. Smith
Tara D. Stephan
J. Lawrence Stimpert
H.O."Trey" Thurman
Cainin D. Townsend ( Honoris Causa)
Kenneth N. Townsend
J. Michael Utzinger
Cristine M. Varholy-Simons
Brian R. Vincent ( Honoris Causa)
Jennifer E. Vitale
Robert C. Wade '91( Honoris Causa)
Lacy Ward, Jr. ( Honoris Causa)
Patsy G. Watson ( Honoris Causa)
M. Queta Watson
Katherine J. Weese
Alexander J. Werth
Norma M. Williams ( Honoris Causa)
Michael J. Wolyniak - Active - Term Expires 2027  

Student Members

Class of 2025

Charles E. Adams '25
Kenten J. Bero '25
Andrew W. Blankenship '25
Adam V. Brazil '25
Evin G. Burton '25
Joseph M. Carbone '25
Devanand J. Clark '25
Benjamin G. Currin '25
Ethan T. Currin '25
Samuel R. Detrick '25
P.K. "Pierce" Gemborys '25
Connor M. Hoban '25
Yue-Bo Jia '25
David J.L. Johnson '25
Richard D. Jones '25
Ethan T. Larsen '25
J. Kade Minton '25
William P. Morris '25
Garrett M. Regan '25
Carter L. Spawn '25
Payton Q. Zeitler '25

Class of 2026

Caleb D. Camp 26
Robert A. Clarke '26
D. Chase Crowder '26
Isaac P. Drummond '26
Brandon R. Finch '26
Daniel L. Garrison '26
Joseph T. Kreutzer '26
Camden T.T. Libby '26
Luke A. Lindquist '26
Dillon P. McReynolds '26
Devan Modak '26
Marc Moroz II '26
Thomas J. Nichols '26
Carter P.A. Sido '26
Jameson C. Smith '26
Seth E. Spickard '26
William M.E. Stimmel '26
J.E. "Jeb" Tucker '26
Elias N. Turney '26
Cooper A. Wendley '26
Cooper W. York '26