With more than 60 clubs ranging from philanthropy and service to athletics and music, Hampden-Sydney has a special interest to suit just about any man.
Academics and Pre-professional
Architectural Society
The Architectural Society is open to students and members of the Hampden-Sydney community who share interests in architecture, architectural history, preservation, and modern innovative design. A liberal arts education requires at the least a nominal understanding of architecture and its relevance in our lives.
Classics Club
The Classics Club is open to any and all individuals who have an interest in the culture of ancient Greece and/or Rome (as reflected in both high and low culture, in its original form or as it has been assimilated into our own culture). In gatherings formal and informal, we hope to amuse ourselves,inspire each other, and promote the understanding and appreciation for the ancient world to members of the Hampden-Sydney community and beyond.
French Club
The French Club is dedicated to promoting interest in the understanding and use of the French language and culture through social meetings, gatherings, and cultural trips. Members need not be French majors and need not have any particular class standing or grade-point average. The club sponsors the weekly French Table during lunch to promote the speaking of French outside the classroom.
Future Educators Club
The main purpose of the Future Educators Club of Hampden-Sydney College is to promote awareness of issues and professional opportunities in the field of education. The club holds periodic meetings throughout the semester. Membership is open to any interested student or faculty member.
German Club
The German Club brings together all those on campus interested in the German Language and German Culture. It hosts events including an Oktoberfest-style open house, guest speakers, films, and dinners meant to introduce the community to all that is German. For German speakers the club officers, house, and Tuesday German table are all available resources for practicing the language.
Math/CS Club
The Math/CS Club is established for the purpose of fostering a greater understanding of mathematics and computer science, encouraging excellence in these fields among the student body, promoting undergraduate activity in mathematics and computer science research and related experiences, and providing a social and intellectual forum to all students.
Phi Alpha Delta (Pre-Law)
Phi Alpha Delta (PAD) Law Fraternity, International is a professional law fraternity advancing integrity, compassion, and courage through service to the student, the profession, and the community. PAD provides valuable resources such as LSAT preparation, law school tours and classroom visits, and group sessions with admissions representatives from law schools located all over the country.
Pre-Business Society
The Hampden-Sydney College Pre-Business Society is dedicated to those students interested in gaining business experience for use after graduation. The goals of the Society are to better prepare Hampden-Sydney students for entrance into the business world, to make contacts with local and regional businessmen, to serve the Hampden-Sydney and surrounding communities through the advocacy of free enterprise, and to better alumni communication through society contact and cooperation. The Society is open to all not just economics majors.
Pre-Health Society
The Pre-Health Society serves primarily as a support group for Hampden-Sydney students interested in all areas of the medical/health professions. The Society serves its members in a variety of ways, including preparation for standardized admissions tests (such as the MCAT or DAT); maintaining a library of books, catalogues, and other media pertaining to health related fields, schools, and other institutions; organizing lectures by health care providers (especially alumni), graduate and professional school representatives (admissions officers, faculty, administrators), and other speakers of general interest to the student body; sponsoring field trips to graduate and professional schools, career days, and open houses representing the medical community; and fostering good communication between pre-health students and the faculty Health Sciences (Premedical) Advisory Committee.
The Society also strives to be an active and benevolent member of the Farmville (and Greater Southside Virginia) community and sponsors community service endeavors throughout the year.
Pre-Law Society
The Hampden-Sydney Pre-Law Society serves the needs of students who are exploring the possibility of entering the field of law or are actively applying for admission to law school. Membership is open to all interested students.
Society of Physics Students
SPS consists of students in all sciences and other fields of study. The main mission behind SPS is to teach its members about leadership, personal interaction, and experience that will help in future work and job opportunities.
Spanish Club
The Spanish Club was established to promote Spanish culture, history, and language to the Hampden-Sydney community at-large through social and academic events and experiences. Membership in the club is open to all interested students. Members should have an interest in Spanish, but coursework in Spanish is not required.
Student Investment Group
The student investment group will seek to further the members understanding of different investment methods and strategies, and to share insight on varying subjects from the state of the economy to the analysis of specific stocks. The club will engage members in an environment of students with different interests, experiences, and perspectives through presentations, friendly competition, debate, and guest speakers.
Debate, Politics, and International Affairs
Alexander Hamilton Society
The Alexander Hamilton Society (AHS) is a non-partisan, not-for-profit, national organization that seeks to identify, educate, and launch young men and women into foreign policy and national security careers imbued with the Hamiltonian perspective of strong and principled American leadership in global affairs.
Founded in 2020, the Hampden-Sydney chapter brings an alternative point of view to the College’s campus by hosting debates between AHS distinguished speakers and local professors on critical issues in foreign policy, national security, and economic statecraft. Our chapter also holds student group discussions and organizes readings on influential books in the history of American statecraft.
Most events on campus are open to students, faculty and the Hampden-Sydney Community. Official membership will be awarded based on the ability to meet a small-time commitment to the society. National website
College Republicans
The Society is dedicated to the study of the American political system and the philosophies of the Republican Party. A chartered member of the College Republican Federation of Virginia, the Society is represented on the state executive board.
The Society is involved with educational, political, and social events on campus and across the state hosting guest speakers and working with local, state, and national campaigns. Membership is open to all Hampden-Sydney students. National website
Young Democrats
The Hampden-Sydney College Young Democrats are committed to promoting the values of the Democratic Party, including tolerance, equal opportunity for all, and a commitment to social justice. The Young Democrats are actively involved in helping to elect Democrats to public office at the local, state, and national levels. Most importantly, we are a very "large tent" and welcome a wide variety of students of different backgrounds and political affiliations. We are chartered by the Virginia Young Democrats, despite what our Facebook page says about being affiliated with the College Democrats, which is no longer an independently functional entity in Virginia. National website
Madisonian Society
Hampden-Sydney's political science and international relations organization provides a means for Hampden-Sydney gentlemen to participate in intercollegiate international organizations simulations. The Madisonians traditionally attend two to three conferences every year and seek to bring scholars to campus to facilitate the community's awareness and understanding of international affairs. A member of the Virginia-at-large Chapter of the United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA), the Madisonian Society is open to all students interested in political science and international relations.
Students for Liberty
Students for Liberty at Hampden-Sydney College hope to spread the ideals of liberty, free markets, and personal freedom through various academic and activist pursuits. We believe that the pursuit and attainment of these ideals will form a more just and prosperous society.
Union-Philanthropic Society
For over two centuries, the Union-Philanthropic Society has offered Hampden-Sydney a unique forum for discussion. Whether debating the ethics of slavery (1810) or discussing the various views of the historical Jesus (1996) the Society has continually provided the College with an unparalleled source for the oratorical and literary improvement of her sons.
The oldest student organization at the College and the second-oldest debating society in the United States, the Union-Philanthropic dates from 1789. Edward Henry, the son of Virginia's greatest orator, and William Henry Harrison, the ninth president of the United States, were among its early members. Yet the Society has never been simply a student organization, and its influence has never stopped at the College gates. Men from all backgrounds, from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow to Robert E. Lee, were awarded and accepted honorary membership.
Membership in the Society is an honor which is bestowed upon gentlemen who demonstrate an interest in public discussion, a thirst for learning, a friendly manner, and a good character. A reception for prospective members is held each term, followed by several public meetings; all students are cordially invited to attend and are strongly encouraged to participate. The Society summons several men to become members each term, and no previous experience in speech or debate is required.
Music, Drama, and Arts
The Acousticals
The Acousticals performs "Rockapella" music using just their voices as instruments in a style all their own at H-SC. This exciting, goofy group performs vocal spectacles on and off campus from the genres of hip-hop, country, pop, rap, contemporary, and classics—using beat boxing, and face melting guitar fills. Auditions are held at the beginning of each semester.
The Men's Chorus
The Hampden-Sydney Men's Chorus is one of the oldest official student organizations on campus, whose roots can be traced back to the 1820s. Membership is open to any student interested in choral singing, and members earn one hour of academic credit for each semester in which they are enrolled. The repertoire for the Chorus is varied and includes traditional "Glee Club" style sea shanties and school songs, as well as classical and folk music.
The Animation Society
The Animation Society is a student-led organization whose main focus is not only to have fun while watching animation together, but also to educate the community that animation is for all ages. The club views cell-based and CGI animation from across the globe.
Film Club
The Hampden-Sydney Film Club is dedicated to those students who are passionate about films and film-making.
The Jongleurs
The dramatics club at Hampden-Sydney, the Jongleurs works in coordination with the Department of Fine Arts to allow development and expression in all aspects of the theatrical arts. The Fine Arts Department and the Jongleurs mount a full production season of full-length and one-act plays, providing opportunities in virtually every aspect of theatre from producing to acting, directing, playwriting, and set design.
Multi-Cultural Life Clubs
International Club
The International Club was founded to enrich and cultivate a sense of cultural diversity within the Hampden-Sydney Community. Its goal is to foster good relationships through cultural awareness. The club is open to all regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, or sexual orientation.
Minority Student Union (MSU)
The MSU was established to help broaden the scope of cultural awareness, diversity, and inclusion throughout the Hampden-Sydney community. This organization provides its members with an environment where they identify with one another, and it helps members to educate, lead, and serve. The MSU is not a fraternity, but is similar to one with the bond it produces between its members. The MSU is open to all on campus.
Society for the Preservation of Southern Heritage
The Hampden-Sydney Society for the Preservation of Southern Heritage is for students with a special interest in southern history and heritage. The "Southern Heritage Society" holds monthly meetings with guest speakers and programs of interest and field trips. We support the Southern traditions of dedication to the Constitution of the United States, a strong family unit, religious faith, courage, honor, integrity, respect for womanhood, and self-reliance. We endeavor to promote knowledge, understanding, and the true history of the region of the United States known as the South and to perpetuate the knowledge of contributions made by Southern citizens, both civil and military, to the establishment and development of this great nation. The Southern Heritage Club is a patriotic, historical, educational, benevolent, non-political, non-sectarian, and non-discriminatory organization.
Unity Alliance
Unity ALLiance provides an educational experiences for all students interested to create a more informed H-SC community. Politically, the group will not take a partisan position, but will be engaged in Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (GLBTQ) issues that may arise in the political world. Socially, the Unity ALLiance will build a stronger bond with those other GLBTQ groups and their straight allies at other colleges, within the state, and on a national level.
Public Service & Volunteerism
Animal Rescue Crew (ARC)
The Animal Rescue Crew is a group of students committed to domestic animal rescue. Hampden-Sydney's goals include:
- going to the Southside SPCA several days a week to walk and socialize the animals that are housed there,
- raising money for local animal rescue groups by organizing events and activities,
- creating an outreach program to local elementary, middle and high schools to teach students about the humane treatment of their pets and will show them the possibilities for significant connection (companion animals, service dogs, therapy dogs, etc.) between people and dogs
Ducks Unlimitied
The H-SC Club is a branch of the National Ducks Unlimited organization. We are committed to volunteering and raising funds for protecting and enhancing waterfowl habitat. At the same time we are an organization that brings Hamden-Sydney students together to share experiences in the outdoors.
Circle K International
Circle K International (CKI) is the premier collegiate and university community service, leadership development, and friendship organization in the world. With more than 12,600 members in 17 nations, CKI is making a positive impact on the world every day. Circle K clubs are organized and sponsored by a Kiwanis club on a college or university campus. CKI is self-governing organization and elects its own officers, conducts its own meetings and determines its own service activities.
Garnet and Grey Society*
The Garnet & Grey Society is a volunteer group of dedicated students who promote Hampden-Sydney College by giving campus tours to prospective students and their parents, assisting in phone-a-thons, keeping prospective students overnight, manning Open House programs, and helping to entertain visiting dignitaries to the campus. The positions are filled yearly, with selection taking place in the spring. Students must file a letter of application with the Dean of Admissions. An interview is required. *Not funded by the Student Finance Board
Habitat for Humanity
The Habitat club supports the local Farmville Habitat for Humanity organization. By organizing volunteers for the builds, and raising funds and awareness.
Hampden-Sydney Mentor Program
The Hampden-Sydney Mentor program pairs college students with local elementary and middle school students. Mentors go once a week to visit their "little brother" at school and become a positive presence in his life.
Good Men and Good Citizens
Good Men and Good Citizens is a student-led organization which encourages and coordinates individual and group involvement in the service of the surrounding community.
President's Men*
The President's Men serve as ambassadors of the President and representatives of the College. Members have distinctive opportunities to participate in various College and Alumni events. The men serve as an extension of the Staff and assist with events on and off-campus for alumni and friends of the College. Members are selected by invitation or application only and should be in good academic standing and active on campus through other clubs and organizations. *Not funded by the Student Finance Board
Rotaract Club
The Rotaract Club, a component of Rotary International, is a service club that fosters leadership, encourages high ethical standards, and promotes international understanding and peace. Rotaract is a non-political and non-sectarian organization. The guiding principle of the Rotaract Club is "Service Above Self." Rotaract carries out at least one community service project per year and one international service project.
There is a mandatory 60% attendance policy for the club's regular meetings and service projects. A member is required to participate in at least one of the club's community and international service projects. An absence of a regularly scheduled meeting may be made up by attendance at a regular meeting of any other Rotaract Club or any Rotary Club on any day in the two weeks immediately preceding or following the day of the absence. Rotaract membership shall automatically terminate upon failure to meet the attendance requirements. (The club normally meets at the Commons in one of the side rooms during dinner so that a member can eat while attending the meeting.) The Rotaract Club is open to all interested Hampden-Sydney students. National Website
Student Museum Board*
In an effort to increase involvement of students in the work of the Museum, the Student Museum Board was founded in the spring of 1990 by Gary H. Darden'91, senior history major from Dallas, Texas. Its goals are to increase visitation, especially by students, to encourage students to become members of the Museum Associates, and to increase the knowledge of and interest in the history of the College. *Not funded by the Student Finance Board
The Student Network
THE NET exists to provide increased assistance and support to students as they adjust to college life. THE STUDENT NETWORK is a place for you to connect to each other. We're all in this together!
Volunteer Fire Department*
Although the majority of members are students, the Hampden-Sydney Volunteer Fire Department is neither a student club nor a College organization. Rather, it is a non-profit corporation that was reorganized in October 1970 and incorporated in 1982 as a Prince Edward County Fire Department to provide protection to the College and central areas of Prince Edward County.
In addition, the Department operates an Emergency First Responder program that coordinates with the Prince Edward Volunteer Rescue Squad in the provision of emergency pre-hospital care. Business meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the fire house. Training drills are held all other Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Those interested in joining may secure an application from any firefighter or attend any Tuesday meeting. No prior firefighting experience is necessary. *Not funded by the Student Finance Board
Publications & Broadcasting
Board of Publications
The Board of Publications assures that student publications, like all other publications which represent the College, are factually accurate, graphically pleasing, and in conformity with community and professional standards. The Board also ensures that member organizations maintain journalistic integrity, high quality, timeliness of production, and sound financial management.
The Board is comprised of editors of the Garnet, Kaleidoscope, and Tiger; the general manager of WWHS-FM; the faculty/staff advisor of each organization; the Director of Publications; and the Director of Communications. Any student in good academic standing may apply for editor of the Garnet, Kaleidoscope, or Tiger or General Manager of WWHS. Regular meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month.
Founded in 1859 as the Hampden- Sydney Magazine, the Garnet offers members of the community an opportunity to demonstrate their literary and artistic ability. Each year the Garnet publishes an outstanding collection of poems, short stories, essays, photography and other art work by student writers and artists and other contributors.
The Kaleidoscope
The Kaleidoscope, the College yearbook, was first published in 1893 by Dandridge Spotswood, Class of 1893, as a permanent record of the life & history of this community. Internet Archive
The Tiger
The Hampden-Sydney Tiger, a bi-weekly student newspaper, records significant events, publishes items of interest, promotes improvement of the College, and welcomes the expression of responsible student opinion. The Tiger is editorially and financially independent, funded by advertising, subscriptions, and its endowment. Editorial review of the Tiger may be exercised by the Board of Publications. Letters to the editor are welcome. Contact The Tiger at newspaper@hsc.edu. The Tiger Archive
Tiger Radio
Tiger Radio is a non-commercial educational radio station operated by students from the historic Carriage House. DJs are free to play any type of music (alternative/progressive rock is emphasized), and a variety of specialty shows—including political discussion, Caribbean music, local rock, and in-studio house mix—broadcast weekly. Students may apply for shows at the beginning of each semester; slots are assigned on the basis of experience, on-air ability, format, and professionalism.
Religion / Spiritual Life
Baptist Collegiate Ministries
The Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) is a Christian group open to all Hampden-Sydney College students and community. The BCM meets weekly for fellowship, guest speakers, praise and worship, Bible study, and other activities. The BCM also participates in the fall and spring state conferences with other Christian Student Unions and provides opportunities for summer missions. All are welcome to join the Longwood BCW for meetings on Thursdays at 5:30 at the Baptist Student Center on Longwood's campus.
Catholic Campus Ministry
The purpose of the Catholic Campus Ministry is to unite young adult Catholic/Christians in fellowship and to provide opportunities to explore topics related to Catholic faith, student life, and adult transition in a social atmosphere for spiritual growth. Students gather to worship God through mass at St. Theresa Catholic Church and campus masses, participate in retreats and social events, and seek a deeper relationship with God and with others. All Catholic students are automatically members. Non-Catholic students interested in participation and learning about the Catholic faith become active members through attending meetings and activities. CCM of H-SC and LU is a ministry of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond. National Website
Chi Alpha is an international, Spirit-filled campus ministry. Our local chapter includes both Hampden-Sydney College and Longwood University students. We have several types of gatherings:
- Tuesday Night Worship (TNW), located in the Longwood's Jeffers Auditorium on Tuesdays at 8PM: contemporary/Spirit-filled worship, fellowship, games, a message and more fellowship
- Connect groups: smaller Bible studies that happen in various locations and times on both campuses
- Special events: outings, game nights, costume parties, adventures, conferences, retreats, etc.
- We host prayer meetings Monday-Thursday from 6:30AM-7:30AM at our "Chi Alpha House" located at 213 W. Third Street.
You can find us on Facebook by searching LUXA.
Cogito is committed to the safe exploration of the large issues of our day and to the ideas of beauty, truth, justice and duty. We seek to establish communities and formats that promote thoughtful discussion, mutual respect and the joy of discovery. Opportunities include a year-long apologetics study group, a semester-long intensive Bible study on Titus, and a lecture series held 3-4 times a semester on various topics.
Episcopal-Lutheran Campus Ministry
The Episcopal-Lutheran Campus Ministry (ELM) of Johns Memorial Church welcomes ALL. Our Sunday services are 8:00 and 10:30AM followed by coffee hour. Our Campus Ministry meets on Sundays 5:30 to 7:00PM in the Parish Hall for a free home cooked meal, lively discussion or activity, and worship or prayer service. There is also a Wednesday evening prayer service, 6:00PM. National Website
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Hampden-Sydney Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a Christian organization that uses the powerful medium of athletics to influence the world and make a difference for Jesus Christ. Our vision is to see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of athletes and coaches. Join us in activities such as weekly lunch, prayer, and Bible study to see how we can fit into God's plan! National Website
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) is the Hampden-Sydney and Longwood chapter of an interdenominational group open to all students. We join together on the basis of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and personal Lord. Activities include fellowship on Friday evenings, small group Bible studies. and prayer groups throughout the week, community service projects, special speakers, picnics, and regional conferences. National Website
Jewish Student Organization
The Jewish Student Organization provides opportunities for social and religious activities. While there are no formal religious services on campus, the Sabbath and holidays are occasionally celebrated in common with members of the area's Jewish community, and arrangements for participating in services for the High Holy Days at Congregation Agudath Sholom in Lynchburg are made for those who wish to attend. In addition, the Organization and the office of the College Chaplain annually sponsor a community Seder.
Orthodox Christian Fellowship
The Orthodox Christian Fellowship wishes to establish a profound and lasting fellowship among ourselves and others with shared interests, while seeking ways to dedicate ourselves and each other and our whole lives to Christ our God. Meetings are Thursdays at 12:30pm. Locations alternate between HSC and LU.
Wesley Foundation
The Wesley Foundation Campus ministry is a full-time campus ministry sponsored by the United Methodist Church and staffed with church professionals. We serve both Longwood and Hampden-Sydney, and we have a student center located in Farmville on 204 High St., next to Farmville United Methodist Church. Our regular weekly meeting is on Tuesday nights from 5-6:30 PM. This gathering includes a home-cooked fellowship meal and a time of informal worship with a message. We also meet once a month at College Church with the same schedule. In addition, we provide weekly small group gatherings that range from lunch together for fellowship and support to Bible and book studies. Our student center is open extended hours for studying and relaxing.
Young Life
Young Life is the Hampden-Sydney and Longwood chapter of a non-denominational para-church ministry. It is open to all students interested in becoming Young Life leaders in the community with the mission of introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith through friendship and discipleship. Young Life sponsors Freshman Fellowship, a fellowship group open to all freshmen interested in Young Life, during fall semester. During spring semester, Freshman Fellowship involves leadership training, and upon completion interested participants may become Young Life leaders at local high schools. National Website
Sports & Recreation
Anglers Club
The Hampden-Sydney Anglers are men who share a love for fishing. The Anglers participate in all kinds of fishing events, including salt-water fishing trips and fishing in the FLW College Fishing Series. The College Fishing Series allows Anglers to fish against schools from across the country in a professional fishing setting.
Chess and Strategy Game Club
The Hampden-Sydney Chess and Strategy Game Club provides opportunities for students interested in strategy games to share their passion. The club hosts regular events where students can come together with their classmates to learn or compete.
Clay Target Club
The Hampden-Sydney Clay Target Club promotes the shooting sports. It is designed to instill safe firearms handling, commitment, responsibility, leadership, teamwork, and sportsmanship in a recreational and competitive atmosphere. Members learn and shoot the games of trap, skeet, and sporting clays under instruction from each other and qualified outside coaching. The club has the opportunity to travel and compete against other schools and shooting organizations in the area.
Club Golf
One of the most active sports clubs on campus, the H-SC Golf Club has a spot for every level of play. Club members have an opportunity to qualify to travel to two multi-day tournaments each semester. Other events include playing nine holes with Hampden-Sydney brothers and having a few in-house mini tournaments. We have access to the Manor Course and the Club Golf team also hosts learn-to-play opportunities for those just getting started with golf.
Club Lacrosse
The Hampden-Sydney Lacrosse Club provides an opportunity for students to play the game of lacrosse on a non-varsity level. The club plays other Virginia college club teams in a friendly but competitive nature, providing a low-pressure atmosphere to play lacrosse that encourages good sportsmanship and enjoyable recreation. Practices are held twice a week and are open to all experience levels.
Club Rugby
The Hampden- Sydney Rugby Club was created to promote self-discipline, teamwork, competition, and athletics. Anyone interested in teaching, coaching, or playing the sport is invited and encouraged to attend a practice or a meeting. Rugby 1968-2018 | Rugby 50th Anniversary
Club Soccer
The Hampden-Sydney Soccer Club brings together members of the student body who love the game of soccer in competition. Separate from the Varsity Squad, we have our own practices and games with other clubs from colleges and universities across the region. Every student who comes out for the team has a chance to play and continue his career as a soccer player.
Fencing Club
Fly-Fishing Club
The Hampden-Syndey Fly-Fishing Club is a dedicated group of young men committed to the sport and preservation of fly-fishing, trout streams, and fish management. The focus of the club is to develop better fly-fishermen through fly-tying clinics, casting clinics, film, and fishing trips. Members pay yearly dues to supplement the funding received from the Student Finance Committee. Meetings are held weekly, and the club sponsors open activities such as keynote speakers and Adopt-A-Stream.
Outsiders Club
The Outsiders Club, first organized in 1968, is open to all members of the Hampden-Sydney community who maintain an active interest in the out-of-doors. The heart of the Outsiders Club is its leaders, whose goal is to raise awareness of outdoor activities and to organize and conduct outdoor trips for the college community. Possible club trips include backpacking, white-water rafting, caving, snow skiing, fly fishing, canoeing, kayaking, and rock climbing. Weekly meetings are held on Wednesdays at 6:30PM at the Tadpole Pavilion, the Club's headquarters.
Paintball Club
The Hampden-Sydney Paintball Club provides students with an interest in the sport of Paintball an opportunity to come together and share their passion through various events and activities.
Tiger Athletic Club (TAC)
The Tiger Athletic Club is a group of individuals bound by a common interest in supporting all Hampden-Sydney athletics. The club strives to achieve excellence and leadership by providing community service, educational programs, social events, and athletic support. The motto of the club is "Leadership Fueled by the Passion for Athletics." We believe that athletics provide countless and unmatched opportunities to develop leaders and to help the College in its mission to form "Good Men and Good Citizens." Membership is open to any and everyone; the only requirement is a strong interest in athletics and a minimum of five hours of community service with the club.
Venture Crew
Venturing is a new "old" program of the Boy Scouts of America. Originally part of the Exploring Division, it finally came into its own in 1998 and became the fastest growing program of the BSA. Venturing provides positive experiences to help young people mature and to prepare them to become responsible, caring adults. As part of the national Venturing youth cabinet, you will help promote a program for young adults who want a broader experience in leadership, vocations, and hobbies. Venturing Website
Visit the Club Sports and Intramurals web page.
Office of Student Affairs
Brown Student Center
P.O. Box 5
Hampden Sydney, VA 23943
(434) 223-6128