August 20, 2024

Economics and Business major and Music minor

from Franklin, Kentucky

Building upon his incredible passion for music, Scott Gipson ’26 spent part of the summer in Italy, performing at the Rome International Choral Festival.

Scott Gipson ’26 standing in front of the Roman ColiseumFrom a young age, Scott Gipson ’26 was encouraged to follow his dreams and pursue his passions. Growing up near Tennessee music hubs like Nashville and Memphis, attending guitar camps with family members, and visiting Graceland while listening to Elvis on the radio all nurtured Scott's deep love of music. This passion, combined with a supportive family, motivated him to further his musical pursuits, turning it into his desired future and pushing him to explore it in different cultures. This summer, from June 21 to July 1, Scott took his passion to Italy, where he had the exceptional opportunity to perform at the Rome International Choral Festival (Festival Corale Internazionale di Roma) in both Rome and Vatican City.

“It was a really enjoyable personal journey,” Scott said. “It was an opportunity for me to experience my love for music in another culture, connect with choral musicians and singers from around the globe, and learn how music impacts people in different countries.”

The Rome International Choral Festival stands out as one of the top summer music events in Rome. It includes a performance at a Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica located in The Vatican and the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and of the Martyrs (Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri). Bringing together singers and choirs from North America, Music Celebrations International organizes the tour and festival, through which Scott arranged his participation.

“Singing with my fellow Americans was incredible,” Scott said. “Being able to immerse myself in a culture on the other side of the world was such a unique and once-in-a-lifetime experience. Performing at St. Peter’s Basilica during a Catholic Mass was especially remarkable, considering the rich history of Vatican City.”

Scott Gipson ’26 playing a guitarIn addition to showcasing his passion and performing in some of the world's most renowned cultural sites, Scott immersed himself in the local culture. Beyond Rome and Vatican City, he explored the historic cities of Verona, Venice, and Florence, making for a richly eventful and culturally immersive journey.

“The entire trip was marvelous,” Scott said. “It was incredible to see all the different churches and temples. My favorite part, aside from performing in Vatican City, was admiring the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and the historic artwork.”

Scott’s passion for music has been a driving force in his life, leading him to explore various music in all its forms including singing and playing multiple instruments such as guitar, piano, harmonica, and trumpet. Scott became involved with the band Cheap Lovin’ in 2023 and is also a founding member of The Shampoo Bottles, with Ka’Eo Gonsalves ’27 and Visiting Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy Glynn Holt. Scott also serves as the president of the Music Performance Club at Hampden-Sydney and runs his own record label, which he aims to elevate into a major label, a goal that inspired his decision to major in economics and business.

“The valuable knowledge I gain in economics and business allows me to apply what I learn to benefit my record label and my future endeavors,” Scott said. “Alongside growing RedRose Records, I aim to start a production company to support both film and music ventures, and this knowledge will be instrumental in achieving those goals.”

Scott's overseas journey and on-campus pursuits stands as a testament to the transformative impact of personal growth, with his enthusiasm serving as a beacon of inspiration. As he looks toward the future, Scott will continue to thrive both at Hampden-Sydney and beyond, demonstrating that the pursuit of one's passions, no matter how far, is always worthwhile.

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