At Hampden-Sydney College, economics is an exploration of the world using the tools of economic analysis, an exercise in critical thinking, and a chance to enhance your ability to operate successfully in the world.

The many distinct specialties that potentially emerge from a base of economic knowledge require us to offer three distinct majors within the department: Economics and Business, (General) Economics, and Mathematical Economics.

As an economics department within a liberal arts college, we serve the student body at large as well as our majors. To do this we focus our efforts in four areas...


Our introduction to economics class is taught as if it were the only course that students will ever take in economics, as opposed to the first class in a series. We want every student, not just economics majors, to have the opportunity to learn the economic way of thinking. 


What we do matters. If applied properly, the tools of economics can lead to greater insight into many issues of great importance. We offer a wide variety of courses that allow students to apply economic analysis to different areas including commerce and finance, public policy, health, globalization and the environment.

Advanced Scholarship

We offer several courses in advanced theory including financial analysis, Austrian theory, econometrics, history of thought and mathematical economics. In addition, senior seminars offer opportunities to do meaningful research in business management and public policy.

Degree Offerings

I am where I am today because Hampden-Sydney instilled in me a sense of curiosity - about the world around me, about why people think, speak, and act the way they do, and about the way our economy works.

Matthew J. Guill '06, Vice President, Millstein & Co., New York, NY

Co-curricular Opportunities

The faculty of the economics department is actively engaged in the scholarship of their fields and we want our students to have that opportunity as well. To this end we offer independent studies for credit, research grants through various privately funded sources as well as extra-curricular activities related to the study and application of economic principles.


TigerFund is an equities portfolio managed entirely by students at Hampden-Sydney College. It is an opportunity for selected students concentrating in Economics to gain valuable experience managing a live equities portfolio. 

Tiger Fund

The Flemming Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Flemming Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation encourages student and faculty creativity and equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue entrepreneurial ideas.  It promotes entrepreneurial innovation in our students and provides them the experience, skills and connections necessary to go from ideation to implementation. The program brings successful entrepreneurs to campus, sponsors workshops in the practical aspects of running a business and connects students with entrepreneurial mentors.


The Center for the Study of Political Economy

The Center for the Study of Political Economy program encourages students to investigate the relationship between political structures and social outcomes. Our goal is to provide opportunities for students who have an interest in the rationale and effects of public policy to develop the research, reasoning and communication skills necessary to prepare them for graduate programs and "idea" careers. 

Political Economy

Boinest Honors Research Fellowship

Funded by William C. Boinest, the Economics Department invites applications from all junior Econ majors. The recipient will conduct directed research in the economics or business field the summer prior to and during his senior year. The recipient also will complete a senior honors project, and graduates with Honors in Economics. The Assistantship is $3,000. Eligible students submit an essay describing their interest in conducting research in economics or business, with possible topics of research interest by the beginning of April to Dr. Ken Townsend at

Citrone Economics & Business Summer Research Program & Internship Program

Robert K. Citrone Economics and Business Collaborative Student/Faculty Summer Research Program

Thanks to the generosity of alumnus Robert K. Citrone ’87 and an anonymous donor, the Hampden-Sydney College Department of Economics and Business is pleased to be able to offer select students the opportunity to undertake collaborative summer research experiences with supervising department faculty members.  Each summer the Citrone Collaborative Student/Faculty Research Program provides stipends to student and faculty research teams in the Department of Economics and Business who work closely together over the summer on original research that is presented publicly during the subsequent academic year.  Frequently, these research projects are presented at professional conferences, e.g., the Virginia Association of Economists, or the Southern Economic Association.

In recent years, the student stipend for summer research has been $2,500 (one-half awarded at the beginning of the summer, one-half awarded upon presentation of the research project).  The faculty stipend has been $3,125.

Students interested in applying for a Citrone Grant should (a) have junior-class standing, (b) have attained a 3.0 cumulative gpa at the College, (c) have written a brief description of a research project to be shown to a potential collaborative faculty supervisor within the Department of Economics and Business.  A faculty member interested in collaboratively researching with students should draft a cover letter endorsing the project description and detailing the faculty member’s anticipated contributions to the research project. 

Application documents should be forwarded to Dr. Kenneth Townsend, administrator of the Citrone Program, who will notify successful applicants of their stipend awards and responsibilities. 

Research Stipends are competitive; no more than three projects will be funded.

Deadline for proposals:  March 1

Robert K. Citrone Economics and Business Summer Internship Program

Thanks to the generosity of alumnus Robert K. Citrone ’87 and an anonymous donor, the Hampden-Sydney College Department of Economics and Business is pleased to be able to offer select students the opportunity to undertake unpaid, for-credit business internships by offering a grant to cover living expenses.  Each summer the Citrone Business Internship Program provides stipends to students who would like to be able to accept unpaid, for-credit internships, but lack sufficient funds to cover the expenses of living in places like New York City, Lisbon, Los Angeles, etc. 

In recent years, the student stipend for summer internships has been $2,500.

Students interested in applying for a Citrone Summer Internship Grant should (a) have junior-class standing, (b) have attained a 2.7 cumulative gpa at the College, (c) have written a brief description of internship, and (d) should have a letter from the company offering the internship describing the duties the student will undertake.  These documents should be forwarded to Dr. Kenneth Townsend, administrator of the Citrone Program, who will notify successful applicants of their awards and responsibilities.  All students involved in internships must maintain a daily log of activities and must complete a ten-page research paper based upon the internship at the conclusion of the summer.

Internships are competitive; no more than three internships will be funded.

Deadline for proposals: March 1

Hobbie Business Ethics Program

The Warren W. Hobbie Business Ethics Program is a two-year program which includes several required courses and monthly discussions on business ethics. An application is required for entry. Hobbie Scholars, chosen for their academic promise, demonstrated leadership, and interest in the interplay of business and ethics, complete an independent study in business ethics as well as advanced coursework in philosophy, religion, and economics. Contact Economics Professor, Dr. Saranna Thornton for information.

Pre-Business Society

The Pre-Business Society was formed in 2003 and is dedicated to those students interested in gaining business experience for use after graduation. The goals of the Society are to better prepare Hampden-Sydney students for entrance into the business world, to make contacts with local and regional businessmen, to serve the Hampden-Sydney and surrounding communities through the advocacy of free enterprise, and to better alumni communication through society contact and cooperation. The Society is open to all not just economics majors.


Graduate Business Agreements

The Economics Department provides superb undergraduate preparation for a career in business, banking, and finance, but it goes a step further by allowing you to leverage the College's connections - formal and informal - with renowned graduate programs. 

Graduate Business Agreements

Flemming Center for Entrepreneurship

The Flemming Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation encourages student and faculty creativity and equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue entrepreneurial ideas.


Peyton Lambert ’27

An exemplary Hampden-Sydney man, Peyton Lambert ’27 courageously and selflessly donated his stem cells after discovering he was a match for a leukemia patient.

Peyton Lambert ’27

Economics and Business Department

Dr. Anthony M. Carilli, Chair
Professor of Economics and Business
Morton Hall, 221
Hampden-Sydney College | Hampden-Sydney, VA 23943
(434) 223-6314

Economics & Business Professors
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