This benchmark illustrates how often students are required to work with others inside and outside the classroom. This includes student group projects and making a class presentation. Working with others and presenting information to the class teaches students how to work through a difficult situation and how to master a difficult subject. The results from the NSSE show a dramatic increase in the amount of active and collaborative learning during a student's Hampden-Sydney College experience, and that our seniors rate the degree of active and collaborative learning that takes place as higher than at other schools.
Summary: First-year Hampden-Sydney students are on par with students at all the NSSE respondent schools but slightly below the other baccalaureate granting colleges in the degree to which they engage in active and collaborative learning. However, as seniors Hampden-Sydney students rate their degree of active and collaborative learning higher than do those students from both of the comparison groups, and statistically significantly so when compared to the total NSSE comparison group.