The Office of Institutional Effectiveness reports to the Dean of Faculty. This office is responsible for
- a comprehensive institutional effectiveness program, which includes serving as the institution's central warehouse for SACS-COC accreditation
- the systematic collection and evaluation of longitudinal data related to the College's long-range plan
- oversight of the academic and administrative assessment program to provide data to inform institutional decisions
- the collection and analysis of precise and reliable data to state and federal agencies, publications, and campus constituents on behalf of the College to allow the College to be more effective in achieving its objectives by providing a framework for articulating and evaluating its goals
The key stakeholders for the services of this office are
- the College President
- Dean of Faculty
- the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia
- the Vice Presidents of the College
- the Deans of the institution
Our vision in Institutional Effectiveness is to help the College
- be data informed, not data driven
- share what we have discovered, and highlight our endeavors to clearly articulate the institution's issues and communicate them with data-informed stories
- build a culture of evidence through efforts to centralize data
- engage and empower our campus community
Contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Assistant Provost & Director of Institutional Effectiveness
Rachel E. Smith
Atkinson 300
Phone: (434) 223-6056
Assistant Director of Institutional Effectiveness
D. Hunter DiPaolo '13
Atkinson 304 | PO Box 859
Office: (434) 223-6089 | Cell: (434) 321-3077
Institutional Information
- Fact Books and Common Data Sets (password protected)
- NSSE (National Survey of Student Engagement) Data
- SCHEV Site
Departmental Review Templates
- Academic Review Handbook
- Self-Study
- Visit Reports
- External Review Report
- Response to External Review Report
- Plan of Action
- AIR - Association of Institutional Research ( AIR Code of Ethics)
- SAIR - Southern Association of Institutional Research
- VAMAP - Virginia Association for Management Analysis and Planning
- VAG - Virginia Assessment Group
- VERA - Virginia Educational Research Association
External Reports of Interest
- "Great Jobs, Great Lives" the 2014 Gaullup-Purdue Index Report