Hampden-Sydney College faculty have a special talent for motivating young men to reach above and beyond their abilities. They are practicing scholars who demonstrate passion for their fields of study both in the classroom and beyond through scholarship, study, and research.
Faculty Scholarship Form
Nicole Greenspan publishes peer-reviewed article in Historical Research , 2025-03-04
News, diplomacy and the 1655 Piedmont massacre in Cromwellian England
Ray Kleinlein invited to exhibit paintings in New York City. , 2025-02-19
Ray Kleinlein showed two paintings in an invitational group show, "Suprises Unknown: the Art of the Wrapping" at the City University of New York.
McGavacks Professor of Biology Mike Wolyniak publishes edited book on gene editing techniques , 2025-02-15
Mike Wolyniak has published an edited volume on how to do CRISPR gene editing techniques in the classroom
Trinkle Professor of Biology Dr. Kristian M. Hargadon '01 Publishes Research on Anti-tumor Immune Dysfunction in Cancer Reports , 2025-02-11
Journal Article Features Two Former H-SC Student Co-authors
The paper titled "Almost Lost Without the Translation: The role of language "brokering" in the Amistad revolt" by Dr. Dieudonné Afatsawo, Associate Professor of Modern Languages, has been accepted for publication. , 2025-01-20
In the forthcoming volume of Camino Real of the Instituto Franklin, Universidad de Alcalá
Eanes is Keynote Speaker , 2025-01-19
Robert E. Lee Memorial Service
The paper titled "Atisbos aubianos del arte de la persuasión en el epistolario entre Max Aub y Carmen Balcells (1964-1972) " by Dr. Dieudonné Afatsawo, Associate Professor of Modern Languages, has been accepted for publication , 2024-12-21
In the forthcoming volume of El Correo de Euclides
Victor Szabo awarded Best Historical Research in Popular Music by The Association for Recorded Sound Collections , 2024-12-09
Szabo's book, Turn On, Tune In, Drift Off: Ambient Music's Psychedelic Past, received the award as part of the 2024 ARSC Awards for Excellence
Dr. Helena von Rueden performs with Petersburg Symphony Orchestra , 2024-12-08
Mezzo-Soprano soloist for Handel’s Messiah
Eanes Gives Veterans Day Talk to SAR , 2024-11-16
Halifax and Caswell County Veterans Remembered
Barber Barclay Professor of Theatre Shirley Kagan presents paper at annual South Atlantic Modern Languages Association conference , 2024-11-16
Kagan presented the paper “Sight Unseen, our invisible identities
Wilson Center's Eanes Speaks to Lunenburg DAR , 2024-11-09
'Huguenots in the American Revolution'
Professor Bloom's article, "Using EXCEL and VLC PLAYER to examine the takeoff of a Boeing 747-400 ERF" is accepted for publication in the journal Physics Education , 2024-10-24
Dr. Bloom presents an in class/lab activity to use EXCEL to analyze the path of airplanes at takeoff using online videos.
Dr. Dieudonné Afatsawo, Associate Professor of Modern Languages, presented a paper titled "Atisbos aubianos del arte de la persuasión en el epistolario entre Max Aub y Carmen Balcells (1964-1972) , 2024-10-16
At the Jornada Max Aub 2024 International Conference held at the Universidad del País Vasco-Vitoria on October 15 and 16, 2024
Dr. Dieudonné Afatsawo, Associate Professor of Modern Languages, published two articles in Volumes 17-18 of El Correo de Euclides , 2024-10-01
The Research Journal of the Fundación Max Aub, Spain
Dr. Dieudonné Afatsawo, Associate Professor of Modern Languages, published a review on the critical edition of Max Aub's Crímenes Ejemplares by Pedro Tejada Tello , 2024-09-15
In Laberintos, Volume 25: Revista de estudios sobre los exilios culturales españoles
Economists Publish Paper on Endogenous Public Health Institutions and Orthodox Jewish Communities , 2024-07-19
Rachael Behr, Byron Carson, Tony Carilli, and Justin Isaacs recently published a study examining the endogenous public health responses to Covid-19 in Orthodox Jewish communities in New York.
Trinkle Professor of Biology Dr. Kristian M. Hargadon '01 Receives National Research Mentor Award , 2024-06-27
Council on Undergraduate Research Biology Division Recognizes Hargadon with Mentor Award
Dr. Dieudonné Afatsawo, Associate Professor of Modern Languages, interviewed Justo Bolekia, professor at the Universidad de Salamanca, essayist, novelist, poet, and member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Language. , 2024-06-11
Three interviews spanning the Spring and Fall of 2024 in Madrid
Dr. Dieudonné Afatsawo, Associate Professor of Modern Languages, delivered the keynote address at the University of Ghana , 2024-06-06
At the Colloquium marking the 60th Anniversary of the founding of its Department of Modern Languages
Visiting Lecturer Greg Eanes Article Published , 2024-06-03
'Murdered POW in the Philippines'
McGavacks Professor of Biology publishes article with 3 H-SC students , 2024-05-30
The peer-reviewed review article was a project in Wolyniak's Spring 2024 Genomics and Bioinformatics course
Henry Timrod Southern Culture Award , 2024-05-18
Wilson Center Visiting Lecturer Recipient
Dr. Dieudonné Afatsawo, Associate Professor of Modern Languages, presented a paper titled "Almost Lost Without Translation: The Role of Interpreters in the Amistad Revolt". , 2024-04-26
At the 9th International Conference on the Links between Spain and North America held at the Universidad de Alcala, Alcala de Henares.
Hampden-Sydney Professor Joins USDOT Smartgrant Training in Bethel, AK , 2024-04-08
1.9 Million Dollar Grant Awarded for UAS Training in Rural Alaskan Villages
Prof. Gleason Joins AOOS Backyard Buoy Project , 2024-03-21
$289,579 Grant Awarded for Climate Change Research in Quinhagak
Dr. Carson's new book explores collective action, mosquito control, and malaria , 2024-02-18
Challenging Malaria is now available from Palgrave Macmillan
Biology Professor Werth publishes research on whale interaction with plastic pollution , 2024-02-01
Article in Oceans journal highlights high risks to sealife
Professor Alex Werth publishes research on whale anatomy , 2024-01-09
Two recent articles and two book chapters
Barber Barclay Professor of Theatre Shirley Kagan appointed as education advisor , 2024-01-01
Kagan has been named education adviser for Arizona’s Southwest Shakespeare Company
Visiting Lecturer Greg Eanes Article Published , 2023-12-08
'Judged by the Knfe: Death by Bolo at Duerro'
Visiting Lecturer Colonel Greg Eanes, USAF (Ret) Presents Paper, 'Heritage of Honor' , 2023-11-16
Sons of Confederate Veterans Presentation by HSC Faculty
Visiting Lecturer Greg Eanes Presents Paper, 'Huguenots, the House and Revolution' , 2023-11-04
American Descendants of the House of Burgesses Presentation by HSC Faculty
Dr. Dieudonné Afatsawo, Associate Professor of Modern Languages, presented a paper at the International Conference in France on Max Aub, Spanish Exiled Writer. , 2023-10-05
A conference organized by the Université d'Avignon and the Fundacion Max Aub
Visiting Lecturer Colonel Greg Eanes, USAF (Ret) Gives Presentation to the Piedmont Company of the Jamestowne Society , 2023-09-24
titled 'Tarleton's Southside Raid'
Anchorage Daily Newspaper Covers Dr. Sean Gleason's Nunalleq Project , 2023-09-15
Front Page Coverage of the Nunalleq Project
Trinkle Professor of Biology Dr. Kristian M. Hargadon '01 Honored by University of Virginia School of Medicine , 2023-09-13
Hargadon Receives Early Achievement Award in Biomedical Sciences
Dr. Sean Gleason (PI) Awarded a Research Grant from Alaskan Ocean Observation System , 2023-09-01
Nearly $45,000 to support ongoing UAS research in Quinhagak, AK
Gleason Publishes New Article in Journal of Computer Mediated Communication , 2023-08-25
an article that introduces Nalaquq—our framework for combining custom sensor networks with traditional knowledge
Trinkle Professor of Biology Dr. Kristian M. Hargadon '01 Edits Special Journal Issue on T Cell Dysfunction in the Tumor Microenvironment , 2023-08-24
Editorial, Special Issue Published in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
Visiting Lecturer Greg Eanes was published by the League of World War I Aviation Historians quarterly magazine , 2023-07-25
Prisoners of War in Film: La Grande Illusion
Dr. Sean Gleason Awarded $100,000 Grant , 2023-07-01
Research Supports Ongoing Projects with the Nunalleq Museum in Quinhagak
Greg Eanes Publishes Article in SAR Magazine , 2023-05-23
'Halifax Men and Greene's Campaign'
Dr. Julia Palmer Publishes Miren's Story , 2023-05-05
The evacuation of a child refugee from the Basque Country in 1937
Visiting Lecturer Colonel Greg Eanes Publishes Article , 2023-04-30
'Field Artillery in the Philippines'
Visiting Lecturer Greg Eanes Presents to Huguenot Society , 2023-04-22
'Huguenots in the American Revolution'
Dieudonné Afatsawo, Associate Professor of Modern Languages, gives annual distinguished lecture at the Sigma Delta Pi Hispanic National Honor Society , 2023-04-14
Los escritores inmigrantes Africanos en España
Nicole Greenspan Publishes book chapter in the Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press , 2023-02-20
Associate Professor of History
Nicole Greenspan Publishes book chapter in the Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, , 2023-02-20
"Newspapers and War"
Wilson Center Faculty Speaks at SAR Annual Meeting , 2023-02-11
Lecture on Halifax Troops at Guilford Courthouse
Trinkle Professor of Biology Dr. Kristian M. Hargadon '01 Publishes Book Chapter on Immunotherapy for Cutaneous Melanoma , 2023-02-07
Chapter is Hargadon's Second Contribution to Springer Nature's Handbook of Cancer and Immunology Book Series
Trinkle Professor of Biology Dr. Kristian M. Hargadon '01 Publishes Article on FOXC2 and Chemotherapy Resistance , 2023-02-07
Invited Review Article Published in Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment
Presentation Given to Old Brunswick Camp, Sons of Confederate Veterans , 2023-01-18
'The Wilson-Kautz Raid' by Visiting Lecturer Greg Eanes
Trinkle Professor of Biology Dr. Kristian M. Hargadon '01 Publishes Invited Review in Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences , 2023-01-11
Article Highlights Combination Targeted Therapy-Immunotherapy Strategies as a Vehicle to Improve Personalized Medicine for Cancer