Student Health Services provides general outpatient healthcare, education, immunizations, and injections either by a nurse or physician.
Student Health Center Hours
The Student Health Center professional nurses are available by appointment only during the following hours:
Mon, Tues, Wed, & Fri—7:30 am-4 pm;
Thurs—9:30 am-6 pm
The Student Health Center College physican is available by appointment only during the following hours:
Monday, Tuesday, & Friday 7:30-10 am
Wednesday 7:30 am-1 pm
Thursday 4-6 pm
Please no walk-ins during this time.
CALL for an appointment: (434) 223-6167
Student Health Services is not open for regular clinic hours during school vacations and breaks, May Term, or summer break.
Student Health Services Portal
Here you will be able to safely and securely track your appointment history at Student Health Services, locate and submit all required health forms, and communicate with H-SC nurses via secure private messaging.
New Users: Click on “Register” below the login box and complete the required information. You will be prompted to enter your student ID# as your username. Please create a password that is unique so that only you can access your health information shared within the portal.