July 01, 2024

A group of students have published the spring 2024 issue of The Garnet, Hampden-Sydney College's student-run literary magazine. 

The student-published Garnet magazines spread out on a tableIn today’s society, much of our content is consumed through digital media, making it undeniably refreshing to possess and consume physical copies of content. At Hampden-Sydney, various print publications offer this experience, including the yearly student-run literary magazine, The Garnet. This past semester, a group of students collaborated to publish the spring 2024 issue, marking its first release since 2018.

“It is incredibly satisfying to see the students collaborate and publish this issue,” said faculty advisor Nathaniel Perry. “The students were thrilled to hold a physical copy of the magazine, and knowing this, I think there's a strong desire to have physical media to appreciate the art and hard work firsthand.”

First published in 1859, The Garnet provides a platform for Hampden-Sydney students to share their literature and art creations—including poems, photography, paintings, and essays—with the College community. Throughout the academic year, students from all over campus are welcome to submit their work and participate in the magazine’s production. After a year of focused dedication, editor-in-chief Jonathan Pope ’24 and associate editors Ean Larsen ’25, Connor Hoban ’25, and Andrew Winans ’25 released this fine issue, which includes work from nearly 20 students, and celebrate with a launch party before the conclusion of the academic year.

“Gathering the contributors together and providing them an opportunity to celebrate and discuss the work of their peers strengthens the literary community at Hampden-Sydney,” Jonathan said. “The magazine offers an opportunity for students across all majors to showcase their creative efforts and leave the Hill with something they can hold on to for the rest of their lives.”

The magazine offers an opportunity for students across all majors to showcase their creative efforts and leave the Hill with something they can hold on to for the rest of their lives.

Jonathan Pope ’24, The Garnet editor-in-chief

Hampden-Sydney students holding copies of newly published The Garnet literary magazineIn the Editor’s Note, Jonathan detailed the urgency of publishing the student-run magazine. Highlighting the cover art by Junior Barrera-Mondragon '24, which features a fire alarm, Jonathan noted the critical nature of the situation, as the staff worked tirelessly to complete the issue, ensuring The Garnet continued after its six-year hiatus. Stressing the importance of the literary community and the need for its creative voices, Jonathan said, “This year we are sounding the alarm that the literary community at Hampden-Sydney College must be heard. It cannot fade into obscurity.”

Fostering a sense of community by uniting students from various disciplines to contribute and celebrate their work strengthens bonds and promotes a vibrant intellectual and artistic environment on campus. This issue of The Garnet underscores the value of physical media in appreciating and preserving the artistic achievements of students, ensuring their voices resonate well beyond their time at the College. By providing a platform for creative expression, The Garnet plays an essential role in enhancing the liberal arts education at Hampden-Sydney, nurturing a culture of collaboration, creativity, and lasting connections.

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