• Elliott Associate Professor of Psychology and Assistant Dean of the Faculty

    Pauley, 318
    (434) 223-6429



Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 2017
M.A., College of William and Mary, 2011
B.A., Hampden-Sydney College, 2009

Teaching Interests

Introduction to Psychology
Social Psychology
Social and Affective Neuroscience
Psychology of Class and Status
Strategies and Processes of Negotiation

Research Interests

My research centers on understanding how social status affects humans, and it is structured along two lines of inquiry. The first is focused on person perception where I examine how one's social group of belonging (e.g. race, financial status, etc.) affects processes of attention and judgment as well as their neural correlates. My second line of research investigates the psychological predictors of personal finance management as a possible mechanism for improving socio-economic status, physical health, and psychological functioning.


Gyurovski, I. I., Kubota, J., Cardenas-Iniguez, C., & Cloutier, J., (2017). Social status level and dimension interactively influence person evaluations indexed by P300s. Social Neuroscience, 1-13.

Cloutier, J., Cardenas-Iniguez, C., Gyurovski, I. I., Barakzai, A., & Li, T., (2016). Neuroimaging Investigations of Social Status and Social Hierarchies. In J. Absher & J. Cloutier (Eds.), Neuroimaging Personality, Social Cognition, and Character (pp. 187-205). Cambridge, MA: Elsevier.  

Cloutier, J., & Gyurovski, I. I. (2014). Ventral medial prefrontal cortex and person evaluation: Forming impressions of others varying in financial and moral status. Neuroimage, 100, 535-543.  

Dickter, C. L., Gagnon, K. T., Gyurovski, I. I., & Brewington, B. S. (2014). Close contact with racial outgroup members moderates attentional allocation towards outgroup versus ingroup faces. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 18(1), 76-88.  

Cloutier, J., & Gyurovski, I. I. (2013). Intraparietal Sulcus Activity During Explicit Self-Referential Social Status Judgments about Others. International Journal of Psychological Research, 6, 68-79.  

Forestell, C. A., Lau, P., Gyurovski, I. I., Dickter, C. L., & Haque, S. (2012). Overcoming response conflict to foods in the presence of distractors: The effects of caloric content, cognitive restraint, and hunger. Appetite, 59(3), 748 - 754.  

Dickter, C. L., Kittel, J. A., & Gyurovski, I. I. (2012). Perceptions of nonā€target confronters in response to racist and heterosexist remarks. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42(1), 112-119.  

Dickter, C. L. & Gyurovski, I. I. (2012). The effects of expectancy violations on early attention to race in an impression formation paradigm. Social Neuroscience, 7(3), 240-251.          

Newton, V. A., Dickter, C. L., & Gyurovski, I. I. (2011). The effects of stereotypical cues on the social categorization and judgment of ambiguous-race targets. Journal of Interpersonal Relations, Intergroup Relations and Identity, 4, 31-45.

Research Interests and potential topics for students

Social Cognition & Social Neuroscience – Social cognition represents a sub-field within social psychology focused on understanding how people think about others and how they use this information in social situations. Research Fellows will work on projects investigating how individuals form impressions of others as a function of their social group of belonging (i.e. race, socioeconomic status). Fellows will gain experience in understanding stereotypes, prejudice, racial bias, and inter-group relations as well as how the human brain enables the cognitive and affective (i.e. emotional) processes involved in social cognition.

Judgment & Decision Making  –  People make countless decisions on a daily basis, ranging from trivial to highly consequential. I am happy to work with Research Fellows interesting in any aspect of how people form judgments and arrive at decisions. In my research I investigate experimental economic approaches to individual and group behavior. Fellows will work on projects investigating the conditions under which individuals make systematic departures from rationality in a variety of contexts including, but not limited to, financial decision making, consumer behavior, financial literacy, business, sports, public choice and policy, as well as information vs. disinformation on social media.