Effective Date: July 1, 2021

The H-SC 20/20 Strategic Plan, approved November 5, 2011, by the Board of Trustees directs the establishment of a "formal College-wide staff committee" in Goal Action Item 3.B.3: 

GOAL #3: To build and retain a more diverse, civil, and engaged college community. 
B. Faculty and Staff Resources 
3. Improve communication, coordination, and collaboration among staff and academic departments to increase efficient use of institutional resources.  Create a formal College-wide staff committee to improve communication among staff departments and with the College administration. 

To improve communication, coordination, collaboration, and greater efficiencies among College departments.


  1. To provide a comfortable forum for exploration and discussion of concerns and/or ideas that will benefit the operations of multiple departments.  
  2. To address concerns and/or determine the potential benefits of ideas.   
  3. To formulate specific recommendations.    

The Staff Advisory Committee (the "Committee") shall be comprised of nine members with one staff member from each of the following organizations, except Facilities Management and the Business Office shall have two members.  Members shall serve as representatives of the staff within their respective organizations.  

  • Admissions Office
  • Athletics Department
  • Facilities Management
  • Business Office
  • Dean of the Faculty
  • Office of College Advancement
  • Office of Student Affairs
  1. Members shall be determined within each organization listed above by any process but not by Cabinet Officer appointment.  For example, members may be selected by consensus, rotation, volunteers, or vote.       
  2. Members shall be full-time employees with 999 + hours annually and employed by the College for a minimum of one year (12 months).     
  3. Members shall be non-exempt support staff who utilize Paycom.  They cannot be directors or above.   
  4. Members shall serve for three-year terms.  At the inception of the Committee, four members shall be appointed for three-year terms and five members shall be appointed for four-year terms.   
  5. The annual term shall begin on July 1 and concludes on June 30.   
  6. Members shall solicit input from other staff employees within their organizations and communicate the outcomes of Committee business to staff employees.  Provisions shall be made to accommodate anonymous inputs from staff employees to members.   
  7. Members who are absent from three meetings within any single academic year shall be disqualified from further service on the Committee.   


  1. The officers of the Committee shall consist of a Chair and a Secretary.  The Committee may decide to elect other officers as needed.  
  2. The Chair shall be elected by Committee members and shall serve a one-year term.  Chairs shall not serve for more than three consecutive terms.  
  3. The Secretary shall be elected by Committee members and shall serve a one-year term.  Secretaries shall not serve for more than three consecutive terms.    

Operational Practices 

  1. The Committee shall report its actions, findings, recommendations, and other outcomes to the Vice President for Business Affairs and Finance who shall communicate as necessary with the President, Cabinet Officers, and Director of Human Resources to address matters from the Committee.    
  2. The Committee shall determine its subcommittee structure.  

Annually, the Staff Advisory Committee shall convene for a workshop meeting in July or August and a minimum of two regular meetings per semester as determined by the Committee.

Version: June 6, 2016
Amended:  May 21, 2018
Amended:  October 18, 2018
Amended: June 15, 2021