Each year, funds are set aside to support student trips of an educational and/or cultural nature. Such trips include excursions to museums, galleries, special exhibits, musical or theatrical performances, and lectures as well as travel to meetings and conferences. Administered by the Dean of the Faculty, these funds are intended to supplement established budget lines and also support student travel not covered by such lines.

Because these funds are limited, there are some restrictions on how these funds are to be used. There are also relevant policies regarding travel with students that should be considered when submitting a request:

  • Although earlier requests will be considered first, these funds are not distributed solely on a “first-come-first-served” basis. The number of students being served, the existence of other funding sources, and the described benefit to students will be considered when making allocations from these funds.
  • Primarily, these funds are intended to cover the costs of admission fees/tickets/registrations, transportation, and lodging. Support for other expenses (such as food) will be considered, but will be given lower priority.
  • Students and faculty seeking reimbursement will submit original, itemized receipts with a signed expense report. Note: It is especially important that students seeking reimbursement for food submit an itemized receipt. These are the only receipts that will be reimbursed.
  • Students may not drive College vehicles. Faculty and staff may use a College car to  transport students. In addition to the College cars available through Facilities, the Compass Program has a van that can be utilized. The van seats 11 passengers (plus the driver) and is reserved directly through the Compass Program. Students can be reimbursed for mileage if they are using their own vehicles for a College trip.
  • Expenses for students presenting work at conferences will be capped at $500 per student.

Faculty members interested in applying for these funds should submit the online form below to Jennifer Vitale, Assistant Dean of the Faculty. If you need further information, please email jvitale@hsc.edu.

Student Travel Request Form