To establish conditions for appropriate use of blogs within the hsc.edu domain.

Blogging accounts with public comments may be obtained for official College business with approval of the appropriate College official:  Students - Dean Of Students,  Staff  - Vice President of Business Affairs and Finance,  Faculty - Dean of Faculty.  College bloggers agree to post content including text, images, audio, video, or data that is NOT: harassing or libelous, in violation of  copyright laws, spamming (which may include advertising, chain letters, or solicitation), an attempt to spread viruses, or anonymously posted. The viewpoints of individual bloggers are not necessarily those of the College.  Hampden-Sydney College provides blogging as a service and is not responsible for the content of these blogs.  Hampden-Sydney College retains the right to remove any information that is false or objectionable.  Enforcement will follow the same procedures as the Appropriate Use of Electronic Resources policy.