Ph.D., University of Connecticut, 2009
M.A., University of Texas at El Paso, 2003
M.M., University of Texas at El Paso, 1997
B.M., University of Texas at El Paso, 1994
Research Interests
- 20th and 21st-century Latin American Theatre and narrative (emphasis on Mexican Women Authors and Mexican Contemporary Playwrights )
- Mexican Cinema (emphasis on 1930's - 1950's)
- Argentinian Comics & Graphic Novels
Book Article
“De Antonieta Rivas Mercado a Rosario Castellanos: Teoría feminista, literatura y política.,” Antonieta Rivas Mercado. Torbellino de voluntades. Ed. Patricia Rosas Lopátegui, Gedisa (Serie InSurrectAs), 2022, 306-315
"La muerte (anti)trágica de Fedra en un texto de Ximena Escalante." Gestos. Revista de Teoría y Práctica de teatro hispánico 56 (Nov 2013): 77-92.
"El arte y la subversión del falogocentrismo en Yo también quiero un profeta, de Ximena Escalante." Revista de Literatura Mexicana Contemporánea 53 (Apr-Jun 2012): 57-64
"El poema épico Historia de la Nueva México y la (re)construcción de la tradición literaria chicana." Taller de Letras, Journal of Universidad Pontificia Católica de Chile 50 (2012): 11-25.
"El discurso patriarcal sublimado: AguaSangre, de Estela Leñero." Homo Ludens, Journal of Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León 1.2 (Jan-Jul 2011): 27-31.
Latin American Theatre Review
"Entrevista a Sabina Berman." 47.1 (Fall 2013): 133-144
"Entrevista a Estela Leñero." 47.2 (Spring 2014): 81-89
"Entrevista a Ximena Escalante." 48.1 (Fall 2014): 131-142
"Entrevista a Carmina Narro." 48.2 (Spring 2015): 107-118
“Entrevista a Bárbara Colio.” 49.2 (Spring 2016): 203-217
"Entrevista a Elena Guiochins" 50.1 (Fall 2016): 263-277
"Entrevista a Mario Cantú Toscano" 50.2 (Spring 2017): 187-199
"Entrevista a Edgar Chías" 51.2 (Fall 2018): 173-188
Courses taught at H-SC
SPAN 101 – 102 Introduction to Spanish
SPAN 103 Intensive Beginning Spanish
SPAN 201 – 202 Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 201-202 Intermediate Spanish (Summer Abroad; Mendoza, Argentina)
SPAN 304 Latin America Culture & Civilization (Summer Abroad; Mendoza, Argentina)
SPAN 311 [formerly 305] Advanced Conversation and Grammar Review
SPAN 312 [formerly 306] Advanced Composition and Grammar Review
SPAN 332 [formerly 302] Survey of Latin American Literature
SPAN 385 Special Topics: Comics & Culture in the Southern Cone (Summer Abroad; Buenos Aires, Argentina)
SPAN 405 Latin American Theatre
SPAN 405 Latin American Theatre (Summer Abroad; Mendoza, Argentina) (Summer Abroad; Buenos Aires, Argentina, with Experiential Learning component [Compass Program])
SPAN 485 Special Topics: Fantastic Mexico (Literature, Cinema & Television)
Recent Service to College and Community
Film Festivals (created and organized):
Rioplatense Film Festival 2, a selection of four films. October 2023 - March 2024
Rioplatense Film Festival, a selection of four films. October 2021 - April 2022
Mexican, a selection of eight contemporary films. Fall 2019 – Spring 2020
French, a selection of eight contemporary films. Fall 2017 – Spring 2018
Colombian, a selection of four contemporary films. Fall 2017
Argentinian, a selection of eight contemporary films. Fall 2016 – Spring 2017
Summer Abroad programs:
Mendoza, Argentina in 2015 & 2017 (Program Director on 2017)
Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2024 (Program Director)
H-SC Men's Chorus:
Piano accompanist. School years 2023-2024 & 2024-2025.
Singing member. Fall 2013 - Spring 2014, Spring 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2017, Fall 2021
Public Library:
Friend of Farmville's Public Library (Barbara Rose Johns Farmville-Prince Edward Community Library) since Fall 2023
Member of the Graphic Novel Club since Fall 2023
Departmental Service:
Chair of Modern Languages department, 2022-2025
Chair of Spanish Search committee, tenure-track in Peninsular Pre-1700, 2024-25
Personal Interests
- Reading
- literature & history/bios, art, and current news
- comics and graphic novels (emphasis on American, South American, and French)
- French language & culture
- includes reading, listening to songs and radio
- Travelling
- at the moment emphasis on UK & France, Argentina & Uruguay, Virginia & New Mexico
- Restaurants
- emphasis on Asian vegetarian food
- Moderate exercise
- walking / elliptical / light weights