Unless specified, all events are mandatory for new and transfer students.  Personal plans and other activities must yield to this schedule.

Dress Code:  Please note that several events on the Orientation schedule require certain dress code requirements.

  • Business Attire/Coat and Tie: A sport coat or blazer, khaki pants, and shirt and tie are required.  A suit and tie are also permissible.
  • Business Casual:  Long pants required and an open-collared shirt (button-down or polo style).  No jeans, no shorts, and no t-shirts.
  • Casual:  Comfortable dress.  Jeans, shorts, and t-shirts are acceptable.

Friday, January 10

9 - 10 am - New and Transfer Students Check-In & Matriculation
(Mandatory for New Students)
Office of Student Affairs, Brown Student Center, 3 rd Floor
Students may arrive anytime during this period to receive keys to their room and move in.  

9:30 – 11:30 amResidence Halls Open for New Student Move-In
All residential students should report to their assigned housing following Matriculation. There they will meet their Resident Advisors and check into their rooms. 

11:30 am - 1:30 pm - Welcome Lunch for Parents & New Students
(Mandatory for New Students)
Board Room, Pannill Commons

Dr. Larry Stimpert, President of the College
Dr. Timothy M. Diette, Dean of the Faculty
Mr. Scott Crawford, Director of the Ferguson Career Center
Dr. Daniella Widdows, Director of Global Education and Study Abroad
Mr. Scott Schmolesky, Director of High Adventure
Mr. Jesse Schrader, Associate Dean of Students for Campus and Residential Life
Ms. Lisa Burns, Director for Academic Success

Students and their families will hear about the distinctiveness, history, and purpose of a liberal arts education at Hampden-Sydney College.  Students will also learn about how to develop a four-year plan, our unique approach to hands-on learning through the Compass program, the academic program and advising, international student programs, outdoor adventure offerings, and the many clubs and organizations available to them to join on campus.

Visit the H-SC Campus Store at Graham Hall today from 9am - 4pm.

Say Good-Bye to Parents

2:15 – 2:45 pm – Hall Meeting with Resident Advisor
Residence Hall
Students will meet with their hall mates and Resident Advisor to discuss campus life, establish College policies and hall expectations, and have questions answered.

3 – 6:30 pm - Individual Meetings with Advisor
(Mandatory for New Students)
Bortz Library, Room 231
Ms. Lisa Burns, Director for Academic Success
Students will use this time to set their academic plan. Those students not meeting at this time will have free time.

Saturday, January 11

7 - 8 pm - Dinner with Faculty, Student Officers, and Staff
(Mandatory for New Students—Please wear a coat and tie to this event)
Board Room, Pannill Commons

Dr. Timothy M. Diette, Dean of the Faculty
Dr. Alfonso Varona, Associate Professor of Modern Languages
Ms. Sandy Cooke, Director of Student Affairs Operations, Orientation, and Civic Engagement
Mr. Drew Blankenship ‘25, Student Body President
Mr. Sam Detrick ‘25, Student Court Chairman

Students will learn more about what it means to receive a liberal arts education, to think critically, and what is unique about Hampden-Sydney’s educational program.  Students will also be given a short intro to the study of foreign languages at the College.

8 - 9 pm - The Hampden-Sydney Honor Code and Code of Student Conduct
(Mandatory for New Students - Please wear coat and tie to this event)
Chairman’s Room, Pannill Commons

Mr. Drew Blankenship ‘25, Student Body President
Mr. Sam Detrick ‘25, Student Court Chairman

The most important event during Orientation, the Honor Code discussion and signing will teach students what the Honor Code means at Hampden-Sydney.  Every new student will sign the Honor Code Pledge before being formally welcomed into the Hampden-Sydney College Brotherhood. Students will also receive their challenge coins.

Sunday, January 12

10 am - 8 pm - Fitness Center, Kirby Field House
10 am - 3 pm - Pool, Kirby Field House

*Current Students return to campus*

7:30 – 8:30 am –Breakfast
Pannill Center for Rhetoric and Communication, Pannill Commons (Ground Floor)

8:30 – 10 am - Rhetoric Placement Essay Test 
(Mandatory for New Students)
Pannill Center for Rhetoric and Communication, Pannill Commons (Ground Floor), Room 106 
Dr. Nicholas Nace, Elliott Associate Professor of Rhetoric
This test is required of all incoming freshmen. The test results, along with scores and data used for initial placement, will determine whether new students are registered for the appropriate level of Rhetoric. The test is also required of transfer students who have earned fewer than six hours of credit in writing courses. Please bring two pens or pencils. 

8:30 – 11:30 am - Rhetoric Proficiency Exam 
(Select Transfer Students Only) 
Pannill Center for Rhetoric and Communication, Pannill Commons (Ground Floor), Room 107 
Dr. Nicholas Nace, Elliott Associate Professor of Rhetoric
This test is required of all transfer students who have earned at least six hours of credit in composition courses at other institutions and who have been previously notified to take this exam. Please bring two pens. The Rhetoric Program will provide a dictionary and a grammar handbook.

10 – 11 am - Rhetoric Studio Orientation 
(Attendance Mandatory)
Pannill Center for Rhetoric and Communication, Pannill Commons (Ground Floor)
Dr. Miranda Rouse, Assistant Professor of Rhetoric
All incoming students will attend a brief orientation to the Rhetoric Studio. Topics will include how to make an appointment, what assistance the Studio offers for writing, speaking, and digital projects, and what spaces and equipment in the Studio are available to reserve and use.  

12:15 pm - Shuttle to Lunch at Press Club
Meet at Brown Student Center, 2 nd Floor Lobby
Lunch and transportation are provided by the Office of Student Affairs

12:30 – 1:30 pm - Lunch with Culture and Inclusion Representatives
(Attendance Mandatory - Casual)
Press Club

Dean Desiree Nicholson, Dean of Culture and Inclusion
Ryan Nicholson ’27, President of Unity Alliance
Alex Fitz-Hugh ‘26, President of the Minority Student Union

Students are welcome to have lunch with some of our Culture and Inclusion representatives at our local favorite, Press Club!  Whether it involves a classroom, residence hall, or overall campus, creating a welcoming and inclusive environment requires deliberate effort and commitment.  The Culture and Inclusion representatives will highlight key concepts and a basic understanding of issues related to culture and inclusion within our community.

2 - 4 pm - Individual Meetings with Advisor
(Mandatory for New Students)
Bortz Library, Room 231
Ms. Lisa Burns, Director for Academic Success
Students will use this time to set their academic plan for the future. Those students not meeting at this time will have free time.

5 - 7 pm - Dinner and the Value of Brotherhood
(Mandatory for New Students – Business Casual)
Board Room Lounge, Pannill Commons

Dr. Richard Pantele, Dean of Students
Dean Dwayne Bowyer, Associate Dean of Students for Student Conduct and Director of Greek Life

Join us for dinner and discussion with H-SC student leaders and alumni.  At this event, new students will have the opportunity to discuss and learn from current and past leaders about the uniqueness of H-SC’s student-led and executed government, justice system, clubs and organizations.  They will better understand the value of the H-SC Brotherhood, and how they can enhance the brotherhood experience through leading, serving, and seizing opportunities.  All new students will hear from prominent alumni about their brotherhood experiences that shaped their character and refined their approach to leadership empowering successful careers as good men and good citizens.  Students will have the opportunity to ask questions during an interactive dinner and panel discussion.

Monday, January 13

7:30 am - 4 pm - Student Health Center
8 am - 1 am - Bortz Library
8:30 am - 5 pm - All Administrative Offices Open

8:30 am - 5 pm - Computing Center, Bortz Library
9 am - 4 pm - Campus Store, Graham Hall
6 am - 10 pm - Fitness Center, Kirby Field House
3 pm – 7 pm – Pool, Kirby Field House

*First Day of Classes*

7:30 am - 7:30 pm - Dining Hall Open
Pannill Commons
The dining hall will be open during normal hours today and for the remainder of the semester.  

Dining Hall Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
7:30 - 9:45 am Breakfast
9:45 - 11 am Continental Breakfast
11 am - 1:45 pm Lunch
1:45 - 5 pm Light Lunch
5 - 7:30 pm Dinner  

Saturday & Sunday
10 am - 1:30 pm Brunch
5-7 pm Dinner    

7:30 am - 4 pm - Student Health Center
Students who still need to complete their health forms must visit the Student Health Center today.  

8:30 am - 5 pm - Business Office
Cabell House
Students will need to visit the Business Office to settle any outstanding balances or handle other financial issues today.   

8:30 am – 5 pm – Campus Police
Bush House
A student must register their vehicle online before matriculating. If you have not registered online beforehand, take your vehicle license plate number and year information to the Campus Police Station in Bush House to receive your vehicle sticker. If you are  not bringing a vehicle to campus, students must fill out the online waiver form (found on the Current Students page under Living at H-SC).

Tuesday, January 14

4 – 5 pm – Substance Education
(Mandatory for New Students - Casual)
Courtroom, Brown Student Center 3 rd Floor
Renae Mancastroppa, Associate Dean of Students for Student Development and Well-Being
Substance Education information will be presented on alcohol and other drug effects, risk factors, and intervention guidelines.

5 – 6 pm – (Gentle)MAN UP Against HDSM
(Mandatory for New Students - Casual)
Courtroom, Brown Student Center 3 rd Floor
Dr. Melissa Wood, Director of Title IX, Access, and Inclusion
(Gentle)Man Up will help our students identify different types of harassment and discrimination and describe how harassment and discrimination diminish the campus community and are contrary to the College’s mission and values.  Students will learn the purpose, steps, and parties involved in HDSM policies and processes, as well as be able to recognize warning signs and troubling behaviors common to situations of harassment and discrimination.  Sexual misconduct is a type of harassment and discrimination; therefore, we will also focus on re-establishing the meaning of consent.  Finally, our students will prepare for appropriate and safe bystander intervention, and harassment and discrimination prevention techniques.

6:30 pm – Annual One Brotherhood Dinner
(Mandatory for New Students – Please wear a coat and tie to this event)
Kirby Field House
The entire campus will be attending this dinner to celebrate One Brotherhood.

Wednesday, January 15

4 - 6 pm - Spring Club and Organizations Fair
Brown Student Center
Come and check out all the clubs and organizations available to you on campus.

Thursday, January 16

4 – 5:30 pm - Active Threat Safety Training
(Attendance Mandatory – Casual)
Courtroom, Brown Student Center 3rd Floor

Friday, January 17

6:00 - 8:00 pm – A Fun College Activities Council (CAC) Sponsored Event!
Tiger Inn, Brown Student Center
Come and test your skills and meet some students from the College Activities Council (CAC)! 

Saturday, January 18

1:00 – 2:00 pm – Hike the Wilson Trail 
Meet at Carpenter Residence Halls
Meet the Orientation and Service Leaders outside of the Carpenter Residence Halls for an hour-long hike on our beautiful Wilson Trail.

Sunday, January 19

Opportunities for Worship
Various locations around Hampden-Sydney and Farmville
Refer to Local Church Profiles for information.  The College Presbyterian Church service is on campus at 11 am.

New Students, please make an appointment with the Ferguson Career Center
Ferguson Career Center
(Attendance Mandatory)
Mr. Scott Crawford, Director of the Ferguson Career Center
scrawford@hsc.edu l (434) 223-6325 l Office: Brown Student Center, 209D
Please make an appointment to meet with the Ferguson Career Center staff by the end of the first week. There you will sign into Handshake with your Hampden-Sydney user ID and password and complete your profile to get the best job recommendations, messages, and events that matter to you. 

Make an appointment with the following faculty regarding your interests

Pre-Law Information
Dr. Celia Carroll Jones, Myers Associate Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs
ccarroll@hsc.edu |  (434) 223-6243  |  Office: Morton Hall, 303
Hampden-Sydney College has a strong tradition of placing students in top law schools, and many of our alumni go on to prestigious and important careers in law.  In your pre-law meeting, you will explore the wide range of possibilities and opportunities for students interested in a career in the legal field as well as the steps to get there while at the College.

Pre-Med Information
Dr. Kristian Hargadon, Trinkle Professor of Biology
khargadon@hsc.edu  | (434) 223-6261 | Office: Pauley Science Center, 208
Students interested in careers or graduate education in the health sciences (including medical school, dental school, and other professional programs in the health sciences) should meet with Dr. Hargadon to learn about the exciting programs and opportunities that H-SC offers its pre-health students.  Information about the course and extracurricular requirements that must be completed to pursue these paths will also be provided.  

Pre-Engineering Information
Dr. Trey Thurman III, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy
hthurman@hsc.edu l (434) 223-6177 l Office: Pauley Science Center, 109
The Cooperative Program in Engineering with the University of Virginia and the Dual-Degree Program in Engineering with Old Dominion University will be reviewed.  Educational opportunities at the College supporting these programs will be discussed.

National Security Program Information
Mr. Vinton Bruton IV, Director of the Wilson Center for Leadership
vbruton@hsc.edu | (434) 223-6212 | Office: The Wilson Center, 102
Learn more about the opportunities available through participating in the National Security Program at H-SC. 

ROTC Program Information
Dean Dwayne Bowyer, Associate Dean of Students for Student Conduct and Director of Greek Life
dbowyer@hsc.edu | (434) 223-6127 | Office: Brown Student Center, 305
Learn more about the opportunities available through participating in the Army ROTC Program at H-SC.

Pre-Tech Information
Dr. Brian Lins, Elliott Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
blins@hsc.edu | (434) 223-6264 | Office: Pauley Science Center, 301
Students interested in technology-related fields and careers such as data science, software development, information security, computer science, and more should meet with Dr. Lins.  This meeting is also for those students interested in opportunities and careers not directly in the technology field but having technological components.  He will also highlight the opportunities and programs offered across H-SC's curriculum.

Pre-Business Information
Dr. Tony Carilli, Professor of Economics and Business
tcarilli@hsc.edu l (434) 223-6314 l Office: Morton Hall, 221
Each of the three majors in the Economics and Business department fits squarely in the traditional liberal arts.  As a social science with its roots in things like political science, history, psychology, cultural studies, etc. it provides students insight into individual choice in a wide variety of circumstances.  Each of the degrees will prepare you for a variety of choices after graduation and our graduates have gone on to great success in a wide variety of endeavors. The department has a proven track record of placing students in graduate programs in a variety of disciplines including multiple professional schools.  In this meeting, students will learn about the hierarchical nature of the three majors (Mathematical Economics, Economics, and Economics & Business) and the necessary steps required to successfully complete each of these majors.

Flemming Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Information
Dr. Michele King, Director of the Flemming Center
mking@hsc.edu  l (434) 223-6408 l Office: Brown Student Center, 204
The Flemming Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation is available to all students who want to learn about building new ventures: for-profit, nonprofit, and any kind of new project that requires lots of innovative creativity. This meeting will cover how the Center’s programs can help you learn the strategies that successful entrepreneurs use to solve wickedly complex problems and create value in society.

I Have No Idea What I Want To Do! 
Dr. Jennifer Vitale, Professor of Psychology
jvitale@hsc.edu l (434) 223-6206 l Office: Pauley Science Center, 311
Lots of students begin college unsure of their academic interests or future career path.  That’s ok! Studies show that more than half of all college students change majors at least once.  H-SC's liberal arts curriculum is designed to introduce students to fields across the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and math.  Chances are, one of these courses is going to spark your passion.  In this meeting, you will discuss strategies that will help you figure out your path through the academic program and into your post-college career.  Don’t worry if you aren’t sure yet.  We’ve got you! 

For questions or concerns, please contact Sandy Cooke, Director of Student Affairs Operations, Orientation, and Civic Engagement (434) 223–6340; cell (434) 547-6662 or scooke@hsc.edu.

Office of Student Affairs

For questions or concerns, please contact
Sandy Cooke, Director of Student Affairs Operations, Orientation, and Civic Engagement
(434) 223-6340; cell (434) 547-6662

Brown Student Center
Hampden Sydney, VA 23943

Student Affairs Staff