Immerse yourself for a semester or full year! Study abroad in another country or study away in the United States—Hampden-Sydney College endorses 100 programs in 30 different countries.

Endorsed Programs

H-SC’s Endorsed Programs are chosen for compatibility with the College's goals and curriculum, the living and classroom status at the host institution, and the program's location. Programs vary in their course offerings and on-site experience. 

Explore Endorsed Study Abroad and Away Programs

H-SC Eligiblity Requirements

  • Minimum of 2.5 cumulative GPA
  • 45 credit hours earned before departure
  • Good standing with the business office
  • Approval from the Dean of Students
  • Approval from the Director of Global Education and Study Abroad

The Dean of Students reviews the disciplinary records of all applicants. Students may apply while currently under probation, as long as their sanctions will be completed before their program begins. Students with problematic disciplinary histories might not be approved, whether they are currently on probation or not. Students placed on disciplinary probation after being approved, or who have not completed all imposed sanctions prior to departure may have that approval revoked.

Students meeting these requirements typically participate in an Endorsed Program their junior year. Students wishing to attend a program in the spring of their sophomore year or fall of their senior year must complete the waiver request section of the application.

*Please note: In addition to H-SC's requirements, each program will have its own eligibility requirements and application deadlines students must meet.

Application Process

Apply for H-SC Global Education Approval and Funding

Program Approval and Application due dates:
Spring Semester programs: September 15
Fall Semester/full year programs: February 15

Global Ed Approval and Application Form

Funding Application due dates:
Spring semester programs: October 1
Fall semester/Full-Year programs: March 1

Global Ed Funding Application

Once approved, students are eligible to apply to their program of choice from the Endorsed List.

Apply to Provider
Due dates vary | Check with your program provider

Please note: The College does not approve participation in a program whose location has a U.S. State Department Travel Advisory of Level 3 or higher and/or a Level 3 CDC Travel Health Notice.

Cost and Finances

Students participating in an Endorsed Program pay H-SC's Global Education Program Fees, listed on the College's  Tuition & Fees page.  All financial aid, including Federal, State, and H-SC-administered aid/scholarships, may apply to the cost of tuition, housing, and food expense for these programs.

Budgeting Worksheets

Funding application due dates:
Spring programs: October 1
Fall or Full-Year programs: March 1

Global Education Funding page

Global Ed Funding Application

*Students who drop out or are removed from a program will be responsible for all non-refundable fees owed to the program and Hampden-Sydney College.

Receiving Credit for Semester Program Courses

Students must complete a Course Approval Form to receive department chair approvals for courses they intend to take prior to departure. Due Dates are the same for both study abroad and study away.
Fall Programs - April 15
Spring Programs - November 15

Study Abroad Courses
Only courses in which students earn a C or higher are eligible for transfer credit. Transfer grades will be listed on the H-SC transcript, but will not be computed as part of the student's H-SC GPA. Courses with grades of C- or lower will not transfer.

Semester Abroad Course Approval Form

Study Away Courses
The grades students earn in all their courses while studying on co-operative programs within the U.S. will be computed as part of their H-SC GPA.

Semester Away Course Approval Form

Compass Credit
Students who would like to earn credit toward the Compass requirement must enroll in a 1-credit Experiential Learning (EL) course in addition to program classes. This applies to all semester or full-year programs.  Questions? Contact the Global Education director.

Requesting a Policy Exemption

  1. Students who do not meet the eligibility requirements listed above may request an exemption within the Global Ed Approval and Application Form.
  2. Students seeking to study in a location with a State Department/CDC ranking of 3 or higher must seek approval from the International Studies Committee and/or Risk Team. Contact the director of Global Education no later than March 1 (Fall programs) or October 1 (Spring programs).
  3. Students wishing to attend a Summer/May Term program with one of the Endorsed Program providers must first have that program approved by the director of Global Ed; most requests are approved.


Make an Appointment

Want to meet with the director of Global Education and Study Abroad?

Make an Appointment

Global Ed Funding

Funding opportunities for study abroad and away programs are available.

Explore Global Ed Funding