The Office of Academic Success is here to assist all Hampden-Sydney students in setting and reaching your academic goals. Attending college is a wonderful opportunity that can be both exciting and confusing at times. We are here to help you develop the skills necessary for effective performance in and positive adjustment to the college learning environment. We are here to help you succeed!
Academic Counseling
Individual appointments are available to discuss academic issues and skills development. Contact us!
Academic Skills Workshops
Workshops are available throughout the semester on a weekly basis or are available by appointment for Residence Life, Athletics, Greek Life, and Student Organizations. Topics include goal-setting, time management, note-taking, reading skills, active learning, test taking and preparation, charting academic progress, and dealing with stress.
Each session contains both information and discussion time.
Contact Carter Shotwell at or for more information.
Accessing TigerWeb
get help searching or registering for courses
The Advising Program
All freshmen and transfer students are assigned an Academic Advisor who will assist in class selection, study skills development and transition to Hampden-Sydney College. Advisors are here to help you achieve your academic and personal goals by successfully guiding you through Hampden-Sydney's academic curriculum and helping you build connections with community resources and campus & peer support services.
Pre-Term Workshops
Programs are offered before each semester to help selected students develop and improve academic skills. The Student Success Seminar is scheduled for August 20 and 21, 2024.
Probation Program
Students on Academic Probation, those returning after Academic Suspension, and those with excessive Mid-Term Deficiencies will receive individualized assistance in improving skills and performance through Academic Counseling, specialized workshops and utilization of other campus resources.
Tutors are available for assistance with Biology, Economics, History, Greek, Latin, Philosophy, Psychology and Western Culture. (Tutors are available for other subjects through the appropriate academic department.) No appointment necessary!
What to bring:
- positive attitude
- course textbook and notes
- writing utensil
- specific questions which address area(s) of difficulty
- copy of the assignment (where applicable)
Please contact Connie Hicks at x 6687 or for more information.
Tutoring ScheduleOffice of Academic Success
Bortz Library, Rooms 231-235
Hampden-Sydney College | Hampden-Sydney, VA 23943-0685
Phone (434) 223-6286 | (434) 223-6188
Fax (434) 223-6244