Ph.D., University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2009
M.Sc., University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2004
B.A., Columbia University, 2001
Teaching Interests
Environmental Biology
Water Resources and Environmental Issues
Animal Behavior
Wildlife Biology and Conservation
Committee Assignments & Service
Institutional Service at H-SC
- 2021-current Serving on Professional Development Committee
- 2019-current Serving as a Campus Security Authority (CSA)
- 2014-current (various years) Freshman / New Student Advisor
- 2011-current (various terms) Reader-Grader for Rhetoric Proficiency Exam
- 2010-current Serving on Environmental Studies Minor Steering Committee
- 2010- current Serving on Animal Care and Use Committee
- 2020-2023 Chair of Biology Department
- 2020-2021 Chair of Animal Care and Use Committee
- 2020-2023 Secretary-Treasurer for Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honorary Society, H-SC Longwood chapter
- 2018-2022 Served on Hatteras Island Ocean Center (HIOC) Advisory Committee
- 2016-2019 Coordinator for Environmental Studies program
- 2018-2021 Served on Faculty Advisory Committee for the Wilson Center
- 2018-2020 Advisor for Environmental Club student organization
- 2016-2019 Chair for 2 years; Served for 3 years on Lectures & Programs Committee
- 2010-2018 Served on several committees and helped organize student petition to initiate a campus recycling program
- 2010-2017 Volunteer & co-organizer for rain barrel building projects, in collaboration with Clean Virginia Waterways
- 2009-2017 Site Leader for River Cleanup Events, in collaboration with Clean Virginia Waterways & Ocean Conservancy
- 2009-2015 Group Leader for various service projects during C-day and The Big Event
- 2010-2018 Advisor for International Club student organization
- 2015-2017 Faculty Mentor for Cross Country team
- 2012-2016 Served on Human Research Review Committee
- 2010-2015 Member of Safe Zone group
- 2010-2015 Advisor for Circle K International student organization
- 2010-2014 Co-organizer for “Throwout Blowout”- end of year program to collect and distribute usable food, furniture, and household goods when students moved out of, coordinated with FACES food pantry & Habitat for Humanity
- 2010-2014 Served on Athletics Committee
Additional Professional Service & Experience
- 2022-ongoing Co-Chair of Disease Task Team for Southeastern Partners in Amphibian and Reptiles Conservation (SEPARC)
- 2020-2023 Served on Publicity Committee, Virginia Academy of Science
- 2010-2020 Served on Scientific Advisory Committee, Virginia Herpetological Society
- 2015-2018 Secretary-Treasurer for Virginia Natural History Society
- 2013-2014 Served on Virginia Reptile and Amphibian Science Team (associated with Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Wildlife Action Plan)
- 2013-2014 Served on Southeastern Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation: Diseases, Pathogens & Parasites Task Team
- 2011-2013 Presenter, Cool Science outreach program, Prince Edward Co. Elementary School
- 2006-2009 Teacher, week-long Kids U Herpetology summer camp, UTK
- 2006-2009 Presenter for Herpetology talks for elementary/middle school groups, Camp Wesley Woods, TN
- 2002-9 Member Tennessee Darwin Day, UTK: Outreach and education in evolutionary biology, Secretary for 3 years, President for 1 year, Co-organizer for Teacher Workshop for 2 years
- 2005-2006 Teaching Mentor for Biology Teaching Explorers, UTK
- 2004-7 Recruiter and Zone captain for annual River Rescue, Knoxville, TN
- 2002 Served on IUCN/SSC Iguana Specialist Group, Ricord’s Iguana ( Cyclura ricordi) Species Recovery Plan 2002-2007, Dominican Republic
- 2001 Served on IUCN/SSC Iguana Specialist Group, Grand Cayman Blue Iguana ( Cyclura nubila lewisi) Species Recovery Plan 2001-2006, National Trust for the Cayman Islands
**mentored undergraduate students
- Goodman RM, Carman HR,** Mahaffy RP,** Cabrera NS.** 2023. Trace amounts of ranavirus detected in Common Musk Turtles (Sternotherus odoratus) at a site where the pathogen was previously common. Animals 13(18):2951.
- McKnight DT, Ard K, Auguste RJ, Barhadiya G, Benard MF, Boban P, Dillon M, Downs CT, DeGregorio BA, Glorioso BM, Goodman RM, Hird C, Hollender E, Kennedy M, Kidman R, Massey A, McGovern P, Mühlenhaupt M, Ostovar K, Podgorski D, Price C, Reinke BA, Streeting L, Venezia J, Young J, Nordberg EJ. 2023. Nocturnal basking in freshwater turtles: a global assessment. Global Ecology and Conservation 43(2023): e02444.
- Toyama KS, Mahler DL, Goodman RM. 2022. Climate shapes patterns of sexual size and shape dimorphism across the native range of the green anole lizard, Anolis carolinensis (Squamata: Dactyloidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 138(1):89-102.
- Maayan I, Reynolds RG, Goodman RM, Hime PM, Bickel R, Luck EA**, Losos JB. 2022. Fixation and preservation contribute to distortion in vertebrate museum specimens: a 10-year study with the lizard Anolis sagrei. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 136(3):443–454.
- Goodman RM, Carman HR,* Mahaffy RP.* 2021. Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-Eared Slider). County record. Catesbeiana 41(2):73.
- Goodman RM, Carter, ED,** Miller DL. 2021. Influence of herbicide exposure and ranavirus infection on growth and survival of juvenile Red-Eared Slider Turtles ( Trachemys scripta elegans). Viruses 13(9):1440.
- (technical report) Duffus ALJ, Bartlett PL, Stilwell NK, Goodman RM. 2021. Ranaviruses in wild reptiles in the USA. Southeastern Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (SEPARC): Disease, Pathogens and Parasites Task Team, Information Sheet #17R1.
- Goodman RM, Tyler JA,** Reinartz DM,** Wright AN. 2019. Survey of ranavirus and Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in introduced frogs in Hawaii. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 55(3):668-672.
- Goodman RM, Hargadon KM. Carter ED**. 2018. Detection of ranavirus in Eastern Fence Lizards and Eastern Box Turtles in Central Virginia.Northeastern Naturalist 25:391-398.
- Michaelides SN, Goodman RM, Reed RN, Crombie RI, Kolbe JJ. 2017. Independent introductions and sequential founder events shape genetic differentiation and diversity of the invasive green anole ( Anolis carolinensis) on Pacific Islands. Diversity and Distributions 24(5):666-679.
- Goodman RM, Carter, ED.** 2017. Survey of herpetofauna on the campus of Hampden-Sydney College in central Virginia.Catesbeiana 37:73-89.
- (field note) Carter ED**, Goodman RM. 2014. Storeria dekayi dekayi (Northern Brown Snake). County record. Catesbeiana 34(1):30-31.
- Goodman RM. 2013. Ranavirus in squamates. Southeastern Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (SEPARC): Disease, Pathogens and Parasites Task Team, Information Sheet #17.
- Goodman RM, Echternacht AC, Hall JC, Deng LD,** Welch JN.** 2013. Influence of geography and climate on patterns of cell size and body size in the lizard Anolis carolinensis. Integrative Zoology. 8:184-196.
Table S1 Locations of collection sites - Goodman RM, Miller, DL, Ararso, YT.** 2013. Prevalence of ranavirus in Virginia turtles as detected by tissue sampling versus oral-cloacal swabbing. Northeastern Naturalist 20:325-332.
- Walguarnery JW, Goodman RM. Echternacht AC. 2012. Thermal biology and temperature selection in juvenile lizards of co-occurring native and introduced Anolis species . Journal of Herpetology 46:620-624.
- Campbell-Staton S, Goodman R, Backström N, Edwards S, Losos J, Kolbe J. 2012. Out of Florida: mtDNA reveals Pleistocene migration and post-glacial range expansion of the Green Anole lizard ( Anolis carolinensis). Ecology & Evolution 2: 2274-2284.
- Goodman RM, Ararso, YT.** 2012. Survey of ranavirus and the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in frogs of central Virginia, USA . Herpetological Review 43:150-159.
- Goodman RM, Heah TP**. 2010. Temperature-induced plasticity at cellular and organismal levels in the lizard Anolis carolinensis. Integrative Zoology 5: 208-217.
- Goodman RM. 2010. Evidence of divergent growth rates among populations of the lizard Anolis carolinensis based on experimental manipulations of egg size. Population Ecology. 52(1):113-122.
- Goodman RM, Knapp CR, Bradley KA, Gerber GP, Alberts AC. 2009. Review of radio transmitter attachment methods for West Indian rock iguanas (genus Cyclura). Applied Herpetology 6:151-170.
- Goodman RM. 2008. Latent effects of egg incubation temperature on growth in the lizard Anolis carolinensis. Journal of Experimental Zoology 309A:1-9.
- Goodman RM. 2008. Celebrate Darwin Day: an event for education and outreach in evolutionary biology.Evolution: Education & Outreach 1(3):306-311.
- Goodman RM. 2008. Students contribute to a global community through improvement of Wikipedia.The American Biology Teacher 70(3):138.
- Goodman RM. 2007. Activity patterns and foraging behavior of the endangered Grand Cayman blue iguana, Cyclura lewisi. Caribbean Journal of Science 43(1):73-86.
- Goodman RM, Walguarnery JW. 2007. Incubation temperature modifies neonatal thermoregulation in the lizard Anolis carolinensis. Journal of Experimental Zoology 307A(8):439-448.
- Goodman RM. 2006. Effects of tail loss on growth and sprint speed of juvenile lizards, Eumeces fasciatus (Scincidae) . Journal of Herpetology 40(1):99-102.
- Goodman RM, Burton FJ, Echternacht AC. 2005. Habitat use in the endangered iguana, Cyclura lewisi, in an unnatural setting. Animal Conservation 8(4):397-405.
- Goodman RM, Echternacht AC, Burton FJ. 2005. Spatial ecology of the endangered iguana Cyclura lewisi in a disturbed setting on Grand Cayman.Journal of Herpetology 39(3):402-408.
- Goodman RM, 2005. Attachment of radio transmitters in a rock iguana, Cyclura lewisi.Herpetological Review 36(2):150-152.
- (field note) Goodman RM, Burton FJ. 2005. Cyclura lewisi (Grand Cayman Blue Iguana): Hatchlings. Herpetological Review 36(2):176.
- (popular article) Goodman RM. 2003. A year studying the world's most endangered rock iguana, Cyclura nubila lewisi. Iguana: Journal of the International Iguana Society 10(1):15-20.
- Gompper ME, Goodman RM, Kays RW, Ray JC, Fiorello CV, Wade SE. 2003. A survey of the parasites of coyotes, Canis latrans, in New York based on fecal analysis.Journal of Wildlife Diseases 39(3):712-717.
Honors, Awards, and Grants
- 2023-2024 Fulbright Scholar, 6 month grant, research and outreach in Colombia on Ranavirus and Field Biosecurity
- 2022 Co-PI, Virginia Wildlife Grant Program: Connecting Youth to the Outdoors, Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources ($9,800)
- 2021, 2020, 2013, 2012 Mentor, Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges Research Program
- 2020, 2013, 2012 Mentor, H-SC Student-Faculty Summer Research Program
- 2021, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2011 H-SC Faculty Summer Fellowship
- 2016 Dominion Higher Education Grant, Co-PI, Prince Edward County Environmental Molecular Biology Institute (PECEMBI)
- 2015 H-SC Young Democrats Ripple of Hope award (for leadership and service to community)
- 2014 H-SC Grant: Creative Integration of Formal Instruction & Blackboard Collaborate
- 2014, 2010 Mentor, H-SC Student-Faculty Summer Research Program
- 2012 Thomas F. and Kate Miller Jeffress Memorial Trust, Bank of America
- 2010 Mentor, H-SC Honors Council Honors Summer Research Program
- 2008 UTK Science Alliance Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievement, Division of Biology
- 2008 University of Tennessee (UTK) Yates Dissertation Fellowship
- 2004-2008 UTK Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Summer Research Grants
- 2007 American Museum of Natural History, Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund
- 2007 Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Gaige Fund Award
- 2007, 2008 UTK Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (EEB) Graduate Student Merit Award
- 2006 UTK Citation for Graduate Student Teaching
- 2004 UTK Sigma Xi Student Competition, First Place in Session
- 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008 UTK Graduate Students in EEB, Travel Award
- 2005 Mentor, awarded UTK/Oak Ridge National Laboratory Summer Research Internship Program
- 2004 Finalist, Herpetologists' League Robert G. Jaeger Student Award for Graduate Research
- 2004 Society for the Student of Reptiles and Amphibians Student Travel Award
- 2003 UTK Citation for Extraordinary Professional Promise
- 2002, 2004, 2006 UTK Graduate Student Association (GSA) Travel Award
- 2002 UTK Scholarly Activity and Research Incentive Funds Award
- 2002 Chicago Herpetological Society, Herpetological Grant
- 2002 Explorers Club, Exploration Fund Grant
- 2002 Chicago Zoological Society / Chicago Board of Trade Endangered Species Fund Grant
- 2002 UTK Hilton A. Smith Graduate Fellowship
- 2002 UTK Summer Research Grant
- 2000 Columbia University, Center for Environmental Research and Conservation, Undergraduate Summer Research Grant
- 1999 Columbia Univ. Biosphere 2, Hayes Teaching Skills Award
Research Interests and potential topics for students
My current research program focuses on wildlife pathogens with major impacts on populations of reptiles and amphibians. In 2023- 2024, I am working as a Fulbright Scholar on ranavirus surveillance research and training in field biosecurity techniques in Colombia. Many H-SC students have been involved in catching frogs, turtles, and snakes in our campus ponds and woods for research on ranavirus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (fungus infecting frogs), and Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola (fungus infecting snakes). In addition to field work, students have gained experience in lab work including tissue sampling, DNA extraction, PCR tests for presence of pathogen DNA, and techniques necessary to prevent contamination of samples.
Behavioral Ecology
Previous research has included radio tracking movements of animals, conducting behavioral observations, conducting experiments on lizard locomotion, quantifying resource use and preference, and informing management of endangered species.
Physiological Ecology
Previous research has examined geographic variation in body size and cell size in lizards and the influence of incubation temperature and moisture on size at hatching, growth, and thermoregulatory behavior.