• Professor of Rhetoric

    Pannill 100 D
    (434) 223-6988



Ph.D., George Mason University, 2008

M.F.A., University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 1990

M.A., Furman University, 1985

B.A., Mercer University, 1983

Research Interests and potential topics for students

Research interests: Performance Studies, Experiential and Place-Based Learning, Gender Studies, Communication and the Environment, Co-cultures and Intentional Communities, Invitational Rhetoric and Civil Discourse, The Rhetoric of Social Movements, Service-Learning, Regional Studies
Potential topics for students: Rhetoric of Social Movements -- particularly LGBTQ rights and environmental movements; Topics related to co-cultures and intentional communities; Topics related to Place/ regional constructions of identities; Incorporating a gender studies' critique/lens in relevant topics across disciplines; Communication and Gender Projects that include a Service-Learning component