When will I receive information about New Student housing at H-SC?
New Student Housing information is available on our website.   New students (Freshmen and Transfers) who have paid their deposit will be asked to complete and sign the required Housing Questionnaire (including the H-SC Housing Agreement).  Please log in to your admission portal to complete the Housing Questionnaire that is available on your Enrollment Checklist. Housing assignments will be made in June according to the date the housing questionnaire is completed.  Housing assignments and roommate information will be available on the TigerWeb Student Life portal after June 15. If unassigned at that time, students should continue to check their account for their assignment or any changes in their assignment.

Which residence halls are new students assigned to?
Freshman will live in Cushing, Carpenter X or Y, or the Whitehouse complex. Transfer students in the past have been housed together on the Carpenter Z 2nd floor residence hall.

Will I have to share a bathroom?
The Whitehouse Complex North, South and West Colonnade (NC,SC,WC) rooms consist of suites with a shared bathroom. Whitehouse Complex Houses consisting of East, North, South and West House (EH,NH,SH,WH), Cushing (CU), and Carpenter(CARPX, CARPY) buildings have common bathrooms on the hall.

What type rooms are available at Hampden-Sydney?
New students: Double (R2) and Single (R1-higher rental rate) residence hall rooms

What should I bring and what is in my room?
All the information you need while shopping or packing for College is included on our  What to Bring list.

What if I want to live off campus?
Hampden-Sydney is a residential college and as such the opportunity to live outside of College-owned housing is limited.  Freshman may only live off-campus if they are commuting from their parent or guardian's home.  They should indicate their request to do so on their Housing Questionnaire and submit a Housing Exemption Request form and a Student Commuter Status Housing Request to our office by June 1.  Non-traditional (students 24 or older) or married students should complete this form and contact the Office of Student Affairs (434-223-7154) by June 1.

How will my professors and other College officials be in contact with me?
The College employs your H-SC e-mail account and your H-SC post office box to communicate critical College information about which you should know and for which you are held responsible. You are encouraged to develop the habit of checking each at least daily. It is important to activate your H-SC e-mail account as soon as possible.

Where may I cash checks?
The Business Office will cash checks for you. (Limited to $300.00)

What laundry facilities does the College have for new students?
Washers and dryers are located in the basements of Carpenter Z, Venable, East House and West House.  They are provided at no charge during the Fall and Spring semesters.

What type cleaning service is available for my room?
Our College custodians will empty trash cans in common areas and keep the bathrooms on the halls and in Colonnade suites cleaned and stocked.  Students are responsible for the cleanliness of their rooms.

Should I buy carpet for my room?
We suggest you wait until you arrive on campus and get a general view of your room before purchasing an area rug for your room.

Where will I send and receive mail and packages?
Our Post Office assigns each new student a post office box located in Brown Student Center. You will have a mailing address for that box and a separate 911 address for receiving packages through FedEx or UPS. Check the Post Office website for proper format of each address.

What do I have to do if I have a vehicle or bicycle on campus?
You may register your vehicle or bicycle online before you arrive on campus, but you will still have to pick up your decal when you arrive on campus.  You may go directly to the Campus Police office or stop by their station during New Student matriculation.  AVOID FINES - All vehicles and bicycles must be registered with Campus Security within 48 hours of being brought on campus.

May I keep a pet in my room?
No pets (other than fish) are allowed in College owned facilities.

Where can I get a new Student Health Form? You can print out a new form online by going to the Student Health Services website.

What is the College policy for married students?
Married students who live with their spouses and seek on-campus housing must make arrangements for housing through the Office of Student Affairs. This should be done by February 1 for current students. Incoming students should indicate this request on the New Student Housing Questionnaire by June 1. Generally, married students live in the Blake Apartments, when available, or off campus.

What is the College policy on Residence Hall Closings during the school year?
Students must complete and submit a request form (available on the policy web page) and contact the Office of Student Affairs by Friday of the week before break begins if they wish to stay on campus during the Fall, Thanksgiving or Spring breaks and make other arrangements for meals if the dining hall will not be operating.  All residence halls are closed during the break between first and second semester. Students must vacate their rooms the day of their last exam. Students have a 24 hour window following their last exam in May to pack up and move out of their dorm room.