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Hampden-Sydney College homepage

  • Why H-SC

    Hampden-Sydney is one of the best values in higher education.

    Why H-SC
  • Pauley Science Center

    The state-of-the-art Pauley Science Center launches the future of the sciences at H-SC

    Pauley Science Center
  • Compass Program

    Navigate your future toward top jobs and graduate programs

    Compass Program
  • Outdoor Experience

    Hampden-Sydney's 1,300-acre campus is a hidden gem for outdoorsmen

    The Outdoor Experience
  • Scott Gipson '26

    Building upon his passion for music, Scott Gipson ’26 spent part of the summer in Italy, performing at the Rome International Choral Festival.

    Scott Gipson '26

A foundation for success.

Preparing men not just for rewarding careers, but for extraordinary lives.

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Student Life

Here you will find your own special place in a brotherhood that lasts a lifetime.

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Student Life

From fraternities to music to sports, we've got you covered.

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Student Life

Adventure is literally at your doorstep, and you'll have plenty of opportunities on our beautiful 1,300-acre campus.

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Student Life

Twenty-five percent of the student body participates in intercollegiate athletics.

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A leader on the court and in the classroom, Hampden-Sydney Basketball standout Adam Brazil ’25 exemplifies what it means to be a consummate student-athlete.

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During the summer of 2023, research student Bryson Smith ’24 explored the historical contextualization of the Hampden-Sydney College curriculum.

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Evin Burton ’25 took a deep dive this summer into the world of Noh theatre, focusing on how Western notions of theatre inform our perception of the unique Japanese theatre style.

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